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KJV - King James Version
Online Bible
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Below is our online edition of the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible -- or AKJV / KJV as it is also known -- in HTML format. As with the rest of the Bill's Bible Basics website, the font size for each chapter and page can be enlarged on a desktop computer by using your web browser's zoom feature, as well as by using the "command" key plus the "+" key on a macOS computer, so that your eyes won't tire too quickly while you are reading.

In order to be taken to a particular Book in either the Old Testament or the New Testament of this online King James Version of the Bible, simply click on a link. You will then be presented with a table where you can choose precisely which chapter of the Book you would like to read.

If you are interested in learning more about the history of the Authorized King James Version of the Bible, please consider reading some of my articles such as the three-part series "History of the Authorized King James Bible", as well as the four-part series entitled "In Defense of the KJV Bible". Also of interest to you may be my online King James Version Bible Verse Lists. These King James Bible topical verse lists cover a wide range of topics, and currently number over 660 KJV verse groups in all. New verse lists are added on a regular basis. I hope that you enjoy these online King James Version Bible study tools.

Enjoy reading God's Word!

Your fellowservant,
Bill Kochman

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KJV / King James Bible:
Old Testament
KJV / King James Bible:
New Testament

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