Bill’s Bible Basics — Latest Articles List

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Last Updated: October 26, 2024 06:32 AM

Below is a list of my most recent new or updated articles and series. The latest new or updated article or series is at the very top of the list and goes backwards to the oldest one at the bottom:

Saints, Holiness and Perfectionism

Are You Committing Adultery?

The Theologian War and Man Worship

The Thorny Issues of Marriage, Adultery and Divorce

The Triumphant Touchdown of Jesus Christ

He That Shall Endure Unto the End

Age of Accountability and Parental and Divine Discipline

Fight Against Futurism!

How Do You React to Friend Requests From Locked Profiles?

Understanding the Bible in Context

The Day of the Lord: What It Really Means

Should We Study the Works of Darkness?

Obama, McCain and the Bush Legacy

AI, Deepfakes and Humanoid Robots

Unrepentant Abortionist

Beware of Dominionism!

The Nature of God

Under the Cloud: UFOs and the Holy Bible

What Does “The Only Begotten Son of God” Really Mean?

The Two Sackcloth Witnesses of Revelation 11

The Gospel by Any Other Name

Science and Technology: The Forbidden Knowledge?

The Mystery of Cornelius the Centurion

To BELIEVE in Jesus is Also to ACCEPT Jesus

Remember Lot’s Wife: What Was Her Fate?

More 666 Musings

Mechanics of the Spirit

Women Shepherds, Pastors and Teachers: A Biblical Perspective

The Salvation of Animals: Fact or Fiction?

Does God Still Create New Things?

Beware of the Pauline Extremists!

The Wisdom of God vs the Philosophy of Men

Modern Deception: Shall a Nation Be Born at Once?

Modern Deceptions: Return to Israel, the Fig Tree and This Generation

Greater Israel Doctrine: Exposed!

Holy Qur’an and Islam: A Doctrine of Devils?

The Case for Judas Iscariot’s Satanic Possession

Facebook False Prophets and Misguided Teachers

Do You Stand Up for Your Faith?

Churchianity or Christianity: Which Do You Practice?

Eastern Lightning – Church of Almighty God: Exposed!

Robot Wars and Skynet: Is Sci-Fi Becoming Our Reality?

Does God Help Those Who Help Themselves?

The Sin of Moses and Aaron

Future of Same-Sex Marriage

Other Planets and the Flat Earth Theory

Exposing the Tactics of the Enemy!

Abomination of Desolation: Explained!

Salvation is Free Through Jesus Christ

Light Up and Die: The Smoking Addiction!

The Lamb of God Was a Goat!

What Does “Blessed Are the Peacemakers” Really Mean?

Elijah: Where Are the True Prophets of God?

When the Pipers Come Knocking

Apophis: Will It Hit the Earth?

The Only Credentials You Need

The Fruit of the Womb

Who Is Moshiach Ben David?

The Nature and Consequence of Sin and God’s Solution

Was Jesus Filled With the Holy Spirit From Birth?

Nephilim: The Giants of Genesis

A Discussion Regarding Philippians 2:12

Murdering Millions by Mail: The Abortion Controversy

Backsliding, Divine Chastisement and The Divine Agreement

The Faith of a Little Child

Forget the Express Train!

Did the Devil Make You Do It?

Humility in Our Understanding of God’s Word

Going Down the Highway of Life

Who is Building Your House?

Are You Crucified With Christ?

If You Poke a Bear Long Enough …

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

Not Everyone is a Child of God

The Parable of the Raven and the Dove

The Internet: Our Final Frontier; Your Last Chance?

Free Will and Personal Choice

Albert Einstein and God

Free From the Fear of Death: Law and Works vs Grace

A Verse a Day to Keep the Doubts Away

Abundant Life Doctrine: Scripturally Exposed!

Love, Mercy, Forgiveness and Chastisement

Prophetic Comparisons: Moshiach, Mahdi and Messiah

The Office of Prophets and Teachers

Are You Redeeming the Time?

What Does “The Truth Shall Make You Free” Really Mean?

Speak the Pure Language of Truth

The Children of Light: Are You One of Us?

A Treasure in Earthen Vessels: God’s Promise of the Spirit

The Mystery of Jesus’ Date of Birth

Did the Apostle Paul Start the Christian Faith?

Why Did the Apostle Paul Have a Low Opinion of Physical Exercise?

Is the Modern Medical Symbol Evil?

Why I Am Fed Up With Facebook

Death: Final Battle, Final Victory

If you use an RSS reader — a.k.a. aggregate news reader — you can also go to the URL below for the very same information. In fact, most web browsers can read RSS feeds. This RSS feed list lists the articles in order by date, and also includes clickable links:

For even more treasures from God’s Word, please consider visiting my website home page. Thanks so much, and may God bless you as you delve into His wonderful Word!

About Bill Kochman

Bill Kochman is a Christian writer, poet, graphic artist, online evangelist and founder and webmaster of the Bill's Bible Basics website and blog, as well as the founder and administrator of the Christian Social Network. His interests include tropical fish, Macintosh computers, web design, writing poetry, God's natural creation and his cats, Obsidian, Mischief and their progeny, such as Polo and Eljio.
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