KJV - King James Version
Bible Verse List:
Ministry of Teaching

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Verses Compiled by :

Published On :
January 8, 2022

Last Updated :
October 5, 2024

"And‭‭ God‭ hath set‭‭ some‭ in‭ the church‭, first‭ apostles‭, secondarily‭ prophets‭, thirdly‭ ‭teachers‭‭, after that‭ miracles‭, then‭ gifts‭ of healings‭, helps‭, governments‭, diversities‭ of tongues‭.‭"
1 Corinthians 12:28, KJV

"And‭ he‭ gave‭‭ some‭, apostles‭; and‭ some, prophets‭; and‭ some, evangelists‭; and‭ some, pastors‭ and‭ ‭teachers‭‭;‭ For‭ the perfecting‭ of the saints‭, for‭ the work‭ of the ministry‭, for‭ the edifying‭ of the body‭ of Christ‭:"
Ephesians 4:11-12, KJV

"And‭ the things‭ that thou hast heard‭‭ of‭ me‭ among‭ many‭ witnesses‭, the same‭ commit thou‭‭ to faithful‭ men‭, who‭ shall be‭‭ able‭ to ‭teach‭‭‭ ‭others‭‭ also‭.‭"
2 Timothy 2:2, KJV

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