KJV - King James Version
Bible Verse List:
Racism and Prejudice

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Last Updated :
December 24, 2023

There has been so much talk of systemic racism, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and related topics in recent months. Some people are screaming very loudly, and very angrily, and are constantIy striving to keep these issues in front of our faces. So let me say the following. I believe that to some degree, racism and class division exist in many -- perhaps most -- parts of the world. However, insofar as the USA is concerned, being an idealist, I would like to believe that they occur to a lot less degree than that which is portrayed in the mainstream media, and by certain politicians. I would like to believe that the goodness and kindness in people’s hearts is stronger than any root of racism and prejudice. The truth is that the discussion of race and ethnicity is constantly used by governments, radicals, extremists and others to stir up trouble, to divide and weaken people, and to promote and advance some particular agenda. I strongly believe that as Bible-believing Christians, we need to learn to see beyond the flesh. We need to see people as God sees them, based on our knowledge of His Word. My Christian perspective is based on verses such as the following:

"There is‭‭ neither‭ Jew‭ nor‭ Greek‭, there is‭‭ neither‭ bond‭ nor‭ free‭, there is‭‭ neither‭ male‭ nor‭ female‭: for‭ ye‭ are‭‭ all‭ one‭ in‭ Christ‭ Jesus‭."
Galatians 3:28, KJV

"And‭ hath made‭‭ of‭ ‭ONE BLOOD‭‭ all‭ nations‭ of men‭ for to dwell‭‭ on‭ all‭ the face‭ of the earth‭, and hath determined‭‭ the times‭ before appointed‭‭, and‭ the bounds‭ of their‭ habitation‭;‭"
Acts 17:26, KJV

"It is‭‭ the spirit‭ that quickeneth‭‭; THE FLESH PROFITETH NOTHING‭: the words‭ that‭ I‭ speak‭‭ unto you‭, ‭they‭ are‭‭ spirit‭, and‭ ‭they‭ are‭‭ life‭."
John 6:63, KJV

"But the LORD‭ said‭‭ unto Samuel‭, Look‭‭ not on his countenance‭, or on the height‭ of his stature‭; because I have refused‭‭ him: for ‭the LORD seeth‭ not as man‭ seeth‭‭; for man‭ ‭looketh‭‭‭ ‭on‭ ‭the‭ outward appearance‭, but the LORD‭ ‭looketh‭‭‭ ‭on‭ ‭the‭ heart‭.‭"
1 Samuel 16:7, KJV

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