KJV - King James Version
Bible Verse List:
Reprobate Minds

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Last Updated :
December 24, 2023

Some people have been given over to reprobate minds because they reject, and do not obey, the Word of the Lord and the Laws of God, as in these verses:

"And‭ even as‭ they did‭‭ not‭ like‭‭ to retain‭‭ God‭ in‭ ‭their‭ knowledge‭, God‭ gave‭‭ them‭ over‭‭ to‭ a ‭reprobate‭‭ mind‭, to do‭‭ those things which are‭‭ not‭ convenient‭‭;‭"
Romans 1:28, KJV

"Now‭ as‭ Jannes‭ and‭ Jambres‭ withstood‭‭ Moses‭, so‭ do‭‭ these‭ also‭ resist‭‭ the truth‭: men‭ of corrupt‭‭ minds‭, ‭reprobate‭‭ concerning‭ the faith‭.‭"
2 Timothy 3:8, KJV

"They profess‭‭ that they know‭‭ God‭; but‭ in works‭ they deny‭‭ ‭him‭, being‭‭ abominable‭, and‭ disobedient‭, and‭ unto‭ every‭ good‭ work‭ ‭reprobate‭‭."
Titus 1:16, KJV

"The bellows‭ are burned‭‭, the lead‭ is consumed‭‭ of the fire‭‭; the founder‭‭ melteth‭‭ in vain‭: for the wicked‭ are not plucked away‭‭. ‭Reprobate‭‭‭ silver‭ shall ‭men‭ call‭‭ them, because the LORD‭ hath rejected‭‭ them."
Jeremiah 6:29-30, KJV

In contrast, we are supposed to be renewed in our minds, and we are to put on the mind of Christ, which simply means humbly submitting ourselves to God’s Will as Christ did:

"I beseech‭‭ you‭ therefore‭, brethren‭, by‭ the mercies‭ of God‭, that ye present‭‭ your‭ bodies‭ a living‭‭ sacrifice‭, holy‭, acceptable‭ unto God‭, ‭which is‭ your‭ reasonable‭ service‭. And‭ be‭‭ not‭ conformed‭‭ to this‭ world‭: but‭ be ye transformed‭‭ by the renewing‭ of your‭ mind‭, that‭ ye‭ may prove‭‭ what‭ ‭is‭ that good‭, and‭ acceptable‭, and‭ perfect‭, will‭ of God‭.‭"
Romans 12:1-2, KJV

"For‭ who‭ hath known‭‭ the mind‭ of the Lord‭, that‭ he may instruct‭‭ him‭? But‭ we‭ have‭‭ the ‭mind‭‭ ‭of‭ ‭Christ‭‭."
1 Corinthians 2:16, KJV

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