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Talk of War
-- a poem and song by Bill Kochman
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A poem by Bill Kochman

The simple truth of the matter, is that despite all of President Trump’s bravado, there is nothing that he, the Washington bureaucrats or the U.S.A. can do to prevent North Korea from becoming a full-fledged nuclear power.

Seriously. Think about it. Seoul, South Korea is located only a few dozen miles from the DMZ. The Special City is home to almost 10 million inhabitants, and the entire metro area is home to 25 million people. Seoul is easily in range of Kim Jong-un’s missiles.

Even if Trump were to order so-called limited, precision strikes against certain North Korean targets, given Kim’s volatile nature, do you not think that he would do his best to inflict as much damage on Seoul while he can? Thousands or millions would die.

And what about the local powers, particularly Russia and China? Do you think they are just going to stand idly by while the USA attacks North Korea?

China is not going to stop North Korea from becoming a full-fledged nuclear power. If they wanted to do that, they would have already done it. They are using North Korea as a proxy, and playing it against the USA.

In conclusion, the USA is trying to put on a bold face, but the truth is, in my opinion at least, that it is helpless to stop Kim Jong-un’s nuclear ambitions.

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Bible Study Resources:

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Article: "Saddam Hussein's Execution and the Euro Dollar War":

Article: "Capture of Saddam Hussein and the New Babylon":

Article: "Killing, Murder and Military Duty":

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