Published: |
Nov. 22, 2016
Updated: |
Jan. 22, 2025
Poems: |
Songs: |
Below you will find a list of the 1,000+ original poems I have composed to date. They are arranged topically according to their general subject matter. Simply click on a link in the topics table below to be taken to that group of poems. As of November 2024, using an AI-based song creation service, I've been converting my poems into actual songs. I think you will be amazed by what the AI software has done with my poems. You are welcome to share as many of these poems and songs as you like. However, please do not alter these poems in any way, chop them up and use them in your own graphics, or remove my name or my website URL from any of the images. Please have the courtesy and the Christian decency to give credit to whom credit is due. Thank you so much! Have fun reading and listening to these poems and songs! Many, many hours of work has gone into them! Your fellowservant, Bill Kochman |