Published: |
November 22, 2016
Updated: |
November 16, 2024
Total: |
984 Poems and Songs
Below you will find a list of 985+ original poems which I have written over the years, with all but three having been composed since April 7th of 2014. To add a small layer of protection, these poems are presented in graphic form, and are arranged topically according to their general subject matter. Simply click on a link in the topics table below in order to be taken to that group of poems. As of November 9, 2024, using an AI service, I have begun to convert my poems into actual songs. Poems which have already been converted will have a notice in purple font just below the poem category title. At this point in time, AI software is not perfect yet. As such, here and there you will notice a few mispronounced words, particularly when they relate to people's names and places in the Bible. But despite this small imperfection, like me, I think you will be amazed by what the AI software has done with my poems. Each song was created in 5 seconds or less! These to-the-point poetic compositions delve into many different issues and areas which affect our Christian walk of faith. There are also many poems which deal with non-Biblical subjects such as political poems, poems which expose the MSM, anti-globalist poems, humorous poems, etc. I hope that they inspire your heart and give you the Heavenly Vision, motivate you to work earnestly for the Lord, and nourish you spiritually as well. Each poem is accompanied by various links which will take you to additional study resources -- that is, to some of my articles and KJV Bible verse lists -- which are likewise hosted here on the Bill's Bible Basics website. You are welcome to share as many of these poems as you like. However, there are a few rules which you must strictly follow. First, you must promise to not alter these poems in any way. You are not to chop them up, and use them in your own graphics. Lastly, you are not to remove my name, or my website URL from any of the images. Please have the courtesy and the Christian decency to give credit to whom credit is due, that being me. If you wish to share these original poems on a social network in which you participate, on each poem's page, there are buttons for a variety of social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. Share the poem with as many of the networks as you like. Thank you so much! Have fun reading these, and listening to the song versions! A lot of work has gone into them! Your fellowservant, Bill Kochman |