Tag Archives: social distancing

COVID-20 — a poem by Bill Kochman

Visit https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/ to see more. #Christian #Poetry #Poem To see other poems related to this one, go to: https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/index.html#Science-Related BBB Article: “Coronavirus: Just the Facts, Ma’am”: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-1.html BBB Article: “COVID-19, Financial Assistance and Christian Love”: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/covid-19-financial-assistance-christian-love-1.html BBB Article: “Coronavirus: Defiant … Continue reading

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Guess What? You Are the Guinea Pigs!

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WAKE UP! You Think It Can’t Happen to You?

“We are fighting a much different pandemic than we were a year ago. Today, we are battling a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” — Guam Governor Lou Leon Guerrero, August 20, 2021 Dear friends, only minutes ago, I received a shock … Continue reading

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No End to the Covid-19 Nightmare in Sight?

Dear friends, as I warned only a few weeks ago in this post which can still be found on my Bill’s Bible Basics Blog . . . https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-president-joe-biden-just-gave-the-green-light-now-watch-the-avalanche-of-forced-vaccinations-begin/ . . . when President Joe Biden gave the green light which … Continue reading

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The Covid-19 Magnet Microchip Rumor: Fact or Fiction?

My friends, as we all know, right now there is a lot of chatter — including a lot of different conspiracy theories — on the social networks regarding COVID-19 and the vaccines. I myself have written a considerable amount of … Continue reading

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COVID-19 Vaccines: Your Choice, Not Theirs!

My friends, several days ago I made a post which included statistics from the VAERS — Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System — on the U.S. government’s Health and Human Services website. You can find my previous post here: https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-at-least-7000-american-deaths-have-occurred-after-receiving-the-covid-19-vaccines-according-to-vaers/ Likewise, … Continue reading

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COVID-19: Vaccine Magnet Test is a Hoax – Part 2

In a previous post on August 6, 2021, I questioned the veracity of the results of the so-called vaccine magnet test, which had been shared with me by a Facebook friend. According to that person, as well as other persons … Continue reading

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COVID-19: Vaccine Magnet Test is a Hoax – Part 1

In a previous post on August 6, 2021, I questioned the veracity of the results of the so-called vaccine magnet test, which had been shared with me by a Facebook friend. According to that person, as well as other persons … Continue reading

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COVID-19: At Least 7,000 American Deaths Have Occurred After Receiving the Covid-19 Vaccines According to VAERS

This information comes directly from “VAERS” — or Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System — which is hosted on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website at: https://vaers.hhs.gov/index.html This reporting system is maintained by the CDC and the FDA. … Continue reading

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What Do Experts Say the Future Holds Regarding Covid-19 and Vaccines?

The following quote from a Reuters news service article makes it rather clear: ——- Begin Quote ——- “To defeat SARS-CoV-2, he said, will likely require a new generation of vaccines that also block transmission. Until then, the world will remain … Continue reading

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COVID-19: Vaccines – Our Children Are Next!

Dear friends, following is another link — likewise provided by Donna Vitale — which describes how experimentation is currently being done on infant rhesus macaques — they’re monkeys — in order to design safe COVID-19 vaccines for very young children, … Continue reading

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COVID-19: Check Out the “VAERS” Page for Adverse Reactions to Covid-19 Vaccines

Dear friends, if you really want to be well-informed regarding the many negative reactions which folks are experiencing with the vaccines, please check out the VAERS page at: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data/covid-full-data?fbclid=IwAR2Z9gYhSNES1gUwqa5J4p3oKKDQKQI5ho7SbjpT33_On9v82_jgvx6R588 VAERS stands for “Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System”. There are currently … Continue reading

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COVID-19: Where Is Your Evidence?

Dear friends, it has long been my belief that if a person makes certain claims, then the onus is on them to provide reliable, credible evidence which supports their claims. If you stop and think about it, the very same … Continue reading

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COVID-19: Cruise Ship Full of All Vaccinated Guests Has Covid-19 Outbreak

My friends, as many of you will already know, according to the Biden administration, the CDC, the liberal mainstream media and other pro-vaccine entities, unvaccinated people are supposedly responsible for the many so-called “breakthrough” cases which are now occurring amongst … Continue reading

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COVID-19: Why It Is Morally Wrong to Mandate Vaccines

As many of you will already know if you have read some of my previous posts and the comment threads under them, some of my friends here are in favor of getting the COVID-19 vaccine, while others are not and … Continue reading

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COVID-19: Politicians Demand Transparency Regarding Saudi Role in 9/11

Wow! Well this is certainly interesting! If you click or tap on the link below, you will see exactly what I mean. The wording of this piece of legislation is very direct, and very focused, and it does not hesitate … Continue reading

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COVID-19: Very Good Vaccine Opinion Piece in The Washington Times

Dear friends, I think you will find the following opinion piece in The Washington Times rather interesting. Some of it may be a little above your understanding, but most of it isn’t. Please have a look at it and let … Continue reading

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COVID-19: Have You Heard of the Vaccine Magnet Test?

Dear friends, one of my Facebook friends just informed me of something which I find quite unusual, and in fact rather unbelievable. So, I decided to share it with all of my friends to see what you think. According to … Continue reading

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COVID-19: My Personal Resistance Did Not Begin With the Covid-19 Vaccines

My friends, for those of you who are likewise continuing to resist getting the COVID-19 vaccine, please know that I understand exactly how you feel, and I can tell you that you are definitely not alone. Please refer to the … Continue reading

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COVID-19: Majority of Adult Non-Vaxxers Fear Vaccine More Than Covid-19 Itself

Now isn’t this interesting! Let me start by saying that I don’t place a lot of faith in public opinion polls for a variety of reasons, including the following: 1. They rely upon theoretical extrapolation of the actual results. 2. … Continue reading

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