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- IS ELON MUSK THE ANTICHRIST? — a Bill’s Bible Basics article
- WHAT IS A CULT? — a Bill’s Bible Basics article
- ONE WAY — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- GAZA STRIP HORRORS AND THE TRUMP PLAN — a Bill’s Bible Basics article
- Original Songs by Bill Kochman
- SICK OF THE BOTS! — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- TRANS-MAN CLAN — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- SUPER THINKER — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- SKIP THE CHIP — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- BAD FRUIT — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- FIRE FIGHTER — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- TWIST AND TWEAK — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- GLOAT GOAT — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- HARVESTERS — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- RUMOR TUMOR — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- ARE YOU FLEXIBLE? — a Bill’s Bible Basics article
- BE GONE, RATS! — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- NO SHRINK! — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- THE WOMAN IN THE WILDERNESS AND THE 144,000 — a Bill’s Bible Basics series
- IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP! — a Bill’s Bible Basics article
- WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF THE WORD “ATONEMENT”? — a Bill’s Bible Basics article
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- CONFUSION — KJV (King James Version) Bible Verse List
- FATE OF LIARS — KJV (King James Version) Bible Verse List
- FAITH WALK — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- DROP-IN-AMBASSADORS — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- ARMAGEDDON — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
- HAPPY HANUKKAH AND MERRY CHRISTMAS? — a Bill’s Bible Basics article
- SOL INVICTUS AND THE BIRTH OF CHRIST — a Bill’s Bible Basics article
- DRONES — a poem and song by Bill Kochman
Tag Archives: kjv
Salvation Bible Verse Set 03 Graphic 02
Article: “Message to the World”: Article: “Salvation is Free”: Article: “Is The Message of Salvation Meant for All Men?”: Article: “All Are Give a Chance, But . . .”: Article: “Not Everyone is a Child of … Continue reading
Posted in All Posts, Salvation Set 03
Tagged bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, christian, eternal life, eternal salvation, everlasting life, graphics, king james version, kjv, poetry, salvation, saved, scriptures, series, verses
Salvation Bible Verse Set 03 Graphic 01
Article: “Message to the World”: Article: “Salvation is Free”: Article: “Is The Message of Salvation Meant for All Men?”: Article: “All Are Give a Chance, But . . .”: Article: “Not Everyone is a Child of … Continue reading
Posted in All Posts, Salvation Set 03
Tagged bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, christian, eternal life, eternal salvation, everlasting life, graphics, king james version, kjv, poetry, salvation, saved, scriptures, series, verses
THE SEVENTH DAY SABBATH — KJV (King James Version) Bible Verse List
#Scriptures #BibleStudy #BibleVerses “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: … Continue reading
Posted in All Posts, BBB Verse Lists
Tagged bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, cease, day of rest, desist from labor, king james version, kjv, rest, sabbath, scripture, scriptures, seventh day, shabbat, topical, verse, verses
Super Graphic: Utopian Dream Machine
This graphic is 1280 x 960 pixels in size and should be viewed on at least a laptop computer, or better yet, on a desktop computer with a large screen. UTOPIAN DREAM MACHINE — a dream, poem and super graphic … Continue reading
Posted in All Posts, Super Graphics
Tagged articles, bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, christian, graphics, king james version, kjv, poetry, scriptures, series, super graphic, verse lists, verses
Super Graphic: Tsunami
This graphic is 1280 x 960 pixels in size and should be viewed on at least a laptop computer, or better yet, on a desktop computer with a large screen. TSUNAMI — a dream, poem and super graphic by Bill … Continue reading
Posted in All Posts, Super Graphics
Tagged articles, bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, christian, graphics, king james version, kjv, poetry, scriptures, series, super graphic, verse lists, verses
Super Graphic: Revelation 21-5
This graphic is 1280 x 960 pixels in size and should be viewed on at least a laptop computer, or better yet, on a desktop computer with a large screen.
Posted in All Posts, Super Graphics
Tagged articles, bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, christian, graphics, king james version, kjv, poetry, scriptures, series, super graphic, verse lists, verses
Super Graphic: Red Dragon of Revelation
This graphic is 1280 x 960 pixels in size and should be viewed on at least a laptop computer, or better yet, on a desktop computer with a large screen.
Posted in All Posts, Super Graphics
Tagged articles, bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, christian, graphics, king james version, kjv, poetry, scriptures, series, super graphic, verse lists, verses
Super Graphic: Reality Check and Superheroes
This graphic is 1280 x 960 pixels in size and should be viewed on at least a laptop computer, or better yet, on a desktop computer with a large screen.
Posted in All Posts, Super Graphics
Tagged articles, bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, christian, graphics, king james version, kjv, poetry, scriptures, series, super graphic, verse lists, verses
Super Graphic: John 3-16
This graphic is 1280 x 960 pixels in size and should be viewed on at least a laptop computer, or better yet, on a desktop computer with a large screen.
Posted in All Posts, Super Graphics
Tagged articles, bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, christian, graphics, king james version, kjv, poetry, scriptures, series, super graphic, verse lists, verses
Super Graphic: Jesus at Armageddon
This graphic is 1280 x 960 pixels in size and should be viewed on at least a laptop computer, or better yet, on a desktop computer with a large screen.
Posted in All Posts, Super Graphics
Tagged articles, bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, christian, graphics, king james version, kjv, poetry, scriptures, series, super graphic, verse lists, verses
Super Graphic: Holy Ghost Hotline
This graphic is 1280 x 960 pixels in size and should be viewed on at least a laptop computer, or better yet, on a desktop computer with a large screen.
Posted in All Posts, Super Graphics
Tagged articles, bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, christian, graphics, king james version, kjv, poetry, scriptures, series, super graphic, verse lists, verses
Super Graphic: God’s Angels Watch Over us
This graphic is 1280 x 960 pixels in size and should be viewed on at least a laptop computer, or better yet, on a desktop computer with a large screen.
Posted in All Posts, Super Graphics
Tagged articles, bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, christian, graphics, king james version, kjv, poetry, scriptures, series, super graphic, verse lists, verses
Super Graphic: Elevator to Hell
This graphic is 1280 x 960 pixels in size and should be viewed on at least a laptop computer, or better yet, on a desktop computer with a large screen.
Posted in All Posts, Super Graphics
Tagged articles, bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, christian, elevator to hell, graphics, king james version, kjv, poetry, scriptures, series, verse lists, verses
Super Graphic: Coming in the Clouds of Heaven
This graphic is 1280 x 960 pixels in size and should be viewed on at least a laptop computer, or better yet, on a desktop computer with a large screen.
Posted in All Posts, Super Graphics
Tagged articles, bible, bible study, bill kochman, bills bible basics, christian, graphics, king james version, kjv, poetry, scriptures, series, super graphic, verse lists, verses