It seems that so many Christians today have become lost, seriously sidetracked and disproportionately involved in discussing the current affairs of the world, from COVID-19, to political gossip and intrigue, to questionable conspiracy theories, to social injustices, etc. These are all things which pertain to this present world. Thus, they belong to the children of the world, and naturally occupy the minds of the children of the world.
For many people, including some Christians, turning their attention to these things has resulted in unwarranted fear, paranoia and in some cases, anger. It has also resulted in division and a lot of time-wasting, needless and fruitless debates. Some people, again, including some Christians, have become quite nasty in their remarks.
However if you are a Christian who truly believes God’s Word, then you must also acknowledge that we Christians are not of this present world. We in fact belong to a different Kingdom entirely. As such, we should not be overly concerned with the world’s happenings, or become deeply involved in its affairs. It should suffice to know that God is in control of each and every situation, and that all things occur according to His Divine Purposes. This truth should give us peace in our hearts, and not worry or fear.
As the founder of the Bill’s Bible Basics ministry, I have always striven to remain primarily focused on sharing and explaining God’s Word in my posts, in my graphics, in my poetry, and in my articles. No more, and no less. That is why I have not allowed in-depth discussions of the aforementioned topics on any of the social networks where I currently have an account. I have little interest in such things, and I have no time for them; particularly if they will lead to futile debates, impart fear and worry, or sidetrack us from discussing God’s Word.
Sharing God’s Word is what the first century Apostles and Disciples were all about, and that is what the Bill’s Bible Basics ministry is all about as well. Christ crucified and resurrected. It is God’s Word which points people to Christ, and not all of those other things. It is God’s Word which saves people and changes people’s lives, and not all of those other things, which in the end, lead to nothing that is profitable for the Kingdom of God.
So, if you are tired of all of the endless, fear-generating discussions which are occurring on the social networks, please consider visiting the Bill’s Bible Basics website, and refresh yourself in the waters of God’s Word. Don’t let the spirit of the world drag you down. Be uplifted and encouraged by delving deeply into the mysteries of the Word of God! If you are looking for a place which is solidly focused on sharing God’s Word, and God’s Word alone, you have come to the right place. To increase your Heavenly Vision, please consider reading the following BBB articles and KJV Bible Verse Lists:
Following is an excerpt from my 1997 six-part series entitled “Mary Worship, Christianity and Roman Catholicism”. It perfectly describes my personal belief regarding the issue of denominationalism:
—– Begin Quote —–
To reiterate, when it concerns Christian doctrine and other aspects of our faith, the Scriptures should be the primary source and authority to which we all should refer, and not some local priest, pastor, shepherd, deacon, bishop, Sunday school teacher or anyone else. Please don’t forget that the reason why different denominations exist in the first place, is because of their differences of opinion regarding proper interpretation of the Scriptures. As a result, no matter who you go to, they are going to have a strict set of doctrines and practices which they will adamantly adhere to and defend at all cost. After all, their very legitimacy as a church or denomination depends on defending those particular doctrines, regardless of whether they are right or wrong.
If you approach a certain church or denomination in the hope of acquiring answers to your questions, you should be mindful of something. If you demonstrate that you believe contrary to the way that they believe, they will not hesitate to tell you that you are wrong, and they will endeavor to convince you to believe as they believe. Do not fool yourself into believing that they are going to come around to your way of thinking, because it is very doubtful that they ever will. You need to realize that churches and denominations are extremely rigid institutions. More than likely, they have probably embraced their particular doctrines and practices for decades, if not for centuries. They are not about to change, even if you do point out an obvious error in their thinking.
The bottom line is this. Either you conform to their set of doctrines and practices, and become just another sardine in their can, or you might as well forget it, because you will never fit in otherwise. While this may seem harsh to some of you, the simple truth of the matter is that each denomination is very similar to a self-contained, cookie-cutter religion which mass produces members who think, believe and act just like themselves. It is very much a group-think environment. Whether we are talking about churches, denominations or even cults, they are all pretty much the same in that regard.
So again, if you really want to know the truth, then please go directly to the Word of God for yourself in order to find the answers, and don’t be spiritually lazy. If you truly and sincerely want to know the truth, I have no doubt that God will reveal it to you by His Spirit through His Word.
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If you are interested in reading the entire series, please go here:
Going by the many comments I have read on Facebook in recent months, I think it is fair to say that many of us realize that the potentially mandatory implementation of COVID-19 vaccines, and the government issuance of so-called “vaccine passports”, whether on a local, state, national or international level, is a loaded gun. Many people are already fired up over this issue.
From my own reading and understanding of the issue, it has already become clearly evident to me that lines are being drawn in the sand in regards to this explosive topic. People are either on one side of the fence or the other, with a large swath of undecided people still caught somewhere in the middle. As many of us already know and have experienced for ourselves, this division over coronavirus vaccination even affects our immediate families. Some of us are in favor of being vaccinated against COVID-19 for whatever our reasons, while others of us are adamantly opposed to it for our own reasons as well. Thankfully, it is currently our choice to make.
However, what if governments begin to take away our choice, and engage in a “campaign of inconvenience”, so that life and our daily affairs become difficult — if not impossible — to carry on, if we refuse to go along with their vaccination program? I first wrote about such “campaigns of inconvenience” in articles I wrote two decades ago. They are real, and they are happening all the time, as the masses are subtly herded in one direction or another, according to the whims of our overlords.
As some of you are already aware, the issue of vaccine passports is even now being debated in the halls of some governments around the world. In a few places — such as Israel, for example — vaccine passports are ALREADY becoming a reality, and in other nations, vaccine documents in one form or another are now being seriously contemplated, and may possibly soon be implemented.
One of my personal concerns is the following. The fact is that the potential rise of more contagious and more deadly strains of COVID-19 could shift the weight of the argument to those individuals, institutions and governments which are in favor of making vaccinations and vaccine passports mandatory. It would make their actions — regardless of how oppressive they may be — appear more justified and needful in the eyes of the general public. But here’s the thing. If they can force us to subject ourselves to COVID-19 vaccinations and vaccine passports, once they taste of that power, what will they attempt to do next? So you see, this is indeed a very slippery slope we are on. It sets up a very dangerous precedent which should make all of us very uncomfortable.
If mandatory vaccination and vaccine passports were to happen, where would you personally stand? Would you bow to pressure in order to make your life easier, or would you hold your ground? Indeed, it would be a very tough call to make, but it is one which only you can make. No one else can do it for you.
Having stated all of the above, I just read a very interesting article in the New York Times. I know that many of my online friends hold adverse sentiments when it comes to reading the New York Times. I can’t say that I blame you. After all, as many of us know, it is an extremely liberal — and oft times ungodly — publication. Some of their views, opinions and positions are quite contrary to our Christian beliefs, and outright contradict God’s Word.
But occasionally, the New York Times does publish in-depth articles which are worthy of our time. I think you will find the article below to be one of them. It is a bit lengthy, but they do make some valid points in it. If you feel so led, please post your comments below after reading it. Thanks!
For those of you who may have possibly missed some of my previous coronavirus-related writings, following is a list of everything I have written to date regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. I believe that you will find a lot of useful, factual, instructive and Scriptural information in this material. Please feel free to share this list on your own timelines, pages, in your Facebook groups, and on any other social networks where you happen to participate. Thank you so very much, and God bless you!
Bill’s Bible Basics Coronavirus Information Center:
“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” Romans 1:20, KJV
“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:” 1 Timothy 6:20, KJV
“God Created the Heavens – Intelligent Design” KJV Bible Verse List: