Facebook: The Antisocial Social Network

As this graphic states, Facebook has to be the most antisocial social network in which I have ever participated. After almost nine years of pretty much leaving me alone, and just letting me do what I do — preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ — participating on Facebook became a real annoyance as of early October of 2019.

Actually, as I explain in this post, the trouble began in August of 2019 when I began to repeatedly receive on-screen warnings in my web browser regarding so-called “suspicious activity” on my Facebook account, supposed security breaches of my password — which I am sure no one will ever figure out due to its length and complexity — and supposed attempts by others to use my Facebook credentials on other websites. I have no doubt that all of this was bogus, because I am a longtime, seasoned computer user, and I know how to stay safe online.

Finally, as you can see by the table below, on October 6, 2019, I was completely locked out of my account for the first time for a total of 32 days. From that point forward, the harassment never stopped. In fact, it got so bad, that I finally deleted my FB account in June of 2022, only to return 3.5 months later. But prior to deleting my old FB account, I was repeatedly locked out of my account for various lengths of time, forced logged off, forced to repeatedly change my password, repeatedly forced to jump through Facebook’s security hoops, repeatedly forced to upload my personal ID — six times in May of 2022 — and hundreds of my posts were removed from Facebook for no valid reason. During that time period, I was keeping a careful record of all of this harassment from Facebook. Consider the following:

Facebook Lock-Out Dates

32 days = October 6, 2019 to November 7, 2019
06 days = November 9 to November 15, 2019
02 days = November 19, 2019 to November 21, 2019
03 days = November 23, 2019 to November 26, 2019
02 days = November 26, 2019 to November 28, 2019
01 days = December 14, 2019 to December 15, 2019

Please note that there were more lockouts after December 15, 2019 as well, but I am sure the above table clearly makes my point. In fact, according to my records, from July 30, 2019 to December 29, 2019 — Facebook forced me to change my password at least 20 times. Furthermore, I was forced logged out and/or fully locked out of my account at least 27 times during this same time period. Now, if that is not intentional harassment by someone at Facebook, what is? That kind of continuous harassment would frustrate anyone. Is it any wonder that I finally deleted my account and left in June of 2022?

To reiterate, this has NEVER happened on any of the other social networks and blogs where I participate. Never! I have had a few posts taken down over the years, but that is about it.

You be the judge.

By the way, you might want to read this article:

“Why I Am Fed Up With Facebook”:



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Facebook: Is It Possibly Broken?


Around the middle of 2022, I began to seriously wonder if Facebook may be broken. Yes, literally broken.

I mean, think about it. Facebook has gotten so big — around two billion users, from what I have read — that maybe its worldwide network of servers, bots and algorithms can no longer handle the load. Is it possible that there are simply way too many users, even though Facebook relies upon a global network of CDNs?

Now, obviously, I don’t know this for a fact, and it is just a theory on my part, but I suspect that maybe this user overload is in large part the reason why so many errors have been made in recent months. I am talking about all of the false positives with Facebook’s security system. In other words, I am referring to the forced log offs, the forced lockouts, having to jump through Facebook’s security hoops so many times, having to change our passwords so many times, seeing our posts frequently removed, etc.

I know for a fact — because my FB friends have told me so, and because I have experienced it many times myself — that people are getting locked out, and logged off, of their accounts for the stupidest reasons. Furthermore, their posts are being removed when they have done absolutely nothing wrong. They haven’t posted anything inappropriate. And that includes myself as well. In other words, we have NOT violated Facebook’s “Community Standards” in any way, as far as I can tell. It makes absolutely no sense that these things are happening so much, and so frequently, unless there is some kind of ongoing systemic failure going on with Facebook.

Folks, I just don’t believe that Facebook’s head honchos are so stupid, that they would continue to harass us that much. Think about it. They are already under tremendous pressure from the U.S. government, and from other entities, due to their multiple security gaffs, their apparent discrimination against Conservatives and Christians, etc. So why would they go out of their way, and do anything to further infuriate their user base? From what I have read, people are already leaving Facebook in droves, because they are fed up with it. So again, is it possible that there are some serious technical issues going on which have little or nothing to do with discrimination against us?

I don’t know how many of my related posts you have seen, but as I have already made really clear a number of times already, after almost nine years of virtual peace on Facebook, with near zero harassment, it became a real nightmare for me as of early October, 2019.

The problems and harassment by Facebook techs got so bad, that I finally deleted my account in June of 2022, only to return 3.5 months later in September of 2022. Of course, now I just run a timeline, and no page or group, so things have been a lot more peaceful. However, sadly, it appears that I am STILL being shadow banned, and hardly anyone is seeing my daily posts. I actually make hundreds of posts each month. I wonder how many of them you actually see in your news feed.

As I mentioned a minute ago, up until I opened my new Facebook account in September of 2022, I was being forced logged off and forced locked out of my account dozens of times. I was also forced to jump through Facebook’s security hoops and change my password dozens of times over the course of three months. In May of 2022 alone, I was forced to upload my personal ID six times, which is why I finally got fed up and left in June of that same year. As if that is not enough, prior to shutting down my old account, literally hundreds of my posts were being removed.

So, yes, as I have stated before, it seems like it may have been intentional harassment due to my Christian faith. But I am beginning to believe that it is that, and even more. Technically, it just seems to me that something is seriously screwed up, and the Facebook staff just don’t have a handle on it yet, whatever it is.

I could be wrong, but that is my suspicion. What do YOU think? Let us know.

By the way, you might want to read this article:

“Why I Am Fed Up With Facebook”:



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Don’t Use Foul Language!

WARNING! If I happen to visit your timeline or page, or another social network where you happen to participate, and if I discover that you use foul language which is NOT befitting for a Bible-believing Christian, be advised that I will not hesitate to unfriend you, or disconnect you, or block you, immediately. What is wrong with you? Shame on you! What kind of a Christian witness are you being to others who may visit your page? Are you a member of this present evil world, or do you belong to Jesus Christ? If you belong to Jesus, then reflect HIM, and NOT the mannerisms of the world! I would be ashamed to have some of my friends visit your page! Clean up your act!

Article: “Stop Cussing! Be Not Conformed to This World!”:


Please also consider studying the following KJV Bible Verse Lists:

“Cussing” KJV Bible Verse List:


“Worldliness” KJV Bible Verse List:


“No Peaceful Coexistence Between Believers and Nonbelievers” KJV Bible Verse List:


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Does Facebook Really Persecute Christians?

The following commentary came about as a result of a short exchange I had with another Facebook user who was having difficulty posting messages on their timeline, and sending private text messages as well. Despite my attempt to help this person understand what might really be going on, they remained convinced that they were being attacked and punished by Facebook because they were boldly sharing their Christian faith on their timeline.

Furthermore, this person apparently took offense at my comments, and indirectly suggested that if I had not been in “Facebook Prison” at least a few times — as they had — then I must not be a very bold witness of my faith on Facebook. Their comment came across as being a bit self-righteous, but I was not about to engage in a debate with this person. It is simply not my modus operandi.

What is odd about their response is that in my lengthy comment to them — the contents of which is contained below — I made clear to them that I had received a slap on the wrist from Facebook a few times. I obviously don’t need to defend my position here. Those of you who have known me for a while, already realize that I don’t preach a watered-down Gospel. I am rather direct and in-your-face about it. In fact, over the almost nine years that I have participated on Facebook, hundreds of people have become offended by what I preach, and have unfriended me. It’s a part of life on Facebook, but you can’t let it rattle you.

But that is beside the point. As I explained to this particular person, I suspected that what was really happening with them was either a technical glitch on Facebook’s end — they happen all the time — or else perhaps they did something — knowingly or unknowingly — which was a violation of Facebook’s TOS — Terms of Service — or which one of their algorithms or filters interpreted as being so-called “suspicious activity”. This could include such things as the following:

1. Sending out too many friend requests too quickly.

2. Copying and pasting the same exact message word-for-word, and privately texting it to too many people.

3. Visiting a lot of people’s timelines, and copying and pasting the same exact message on each of those timelines.

We need to remember that Facebook is heavily automated, and uses a lot of bots, scripts, filters and algorithms to monitor different things. Annoying activities such as the above three will definitely raise a red flag and set off an alarm, resulting in a person getting a slap on the wrist, or as some users like to call it, being sent to “Facebook Jail” for a while.

Regarding raising red flags, let me mention a related point. Like many other companies, Facebook uses spam filters to weed out undesirable posts from its network which meet certain criteria, such as those which clearly contain hate speech, or racism, or which Facebook has deemed to be fake news, for example. As you may already know, due to pressure from the U.S. government and other entities, Facebook is making more of an effort to reduce the amount of fake news on its network. This may have an affect on some of the posts which you are allowed to make.

The way that most spam filters work is by recognizing certain email addresses which are known to be sources of high-volume spam, certain IP addresses which are known to be sources of spam, or certain word patterns which strongly suggest that a post is spam. While some spam filters work very well — I use one with my email client that has a very high accuracy rate — they are nevertheless software, and thus are not perfect. As a result, such filters may occasionally raise what are referred to as “false flags” or “false positives”. A false flag/false positive is when the spam filter identifies something as spam, which really isn’t spam.

Now, because spam filters are not always on target with their detection methods, what this means is that occasionally you may make a perfectly harmless post on Facebook, which Facebook’s spam filters will flag as spam. Maybe the filter saw something suspicious in an external URL that you used; or maybe it detected a certain word pattern in a text message which you posted. Whatever the case may be, because it detected something that it didn’t like, it raised a red flag on your post, even though your post was perfectly innocent in nature.

As I said, this is referred to as a false flag or a false positive. The filter incorrectly classified or identified your status update, and prevented you from posting it. While this may be rather frustrating for you, there really isn’t much that you can do about it, except move on. Just remember that when this happens, it isn’t necessarily because Facebook is singling you out and targeting you because of your Christian beliefs. It simply means that Facebook needs to refine the spam filter that raised the false flag in the first place.

NOTE: One exception to the above might be if you happen to be in the habit of posting content from fake news websites, even though you may not know they are fake news sites. While you personally may feel that the content is true and legitimate, Facebook has the final say in the matter. So, if one of their filters catches it, and stops you, there isn’t much that you can do about it. Let me also add that some of my Christian brethren are not the brightest crayons in the box. I have visited a number of timelines which regularly post fake news from certain websites which I personally would never waste my time on, much less share their content on my timeline.

Now, if you are prevented from making a post, you need to remember that what happens after your post has been flagged as spam, is all an automated process. Usually, you are not dealing with real Facebook employees in most cases, although it may sometimes seem that way. If you are asked certain questions for feedback, or sent a thank you message, or whatever, it is all being conducted by bots, so please don’t get too frustrated. Don’t forget that Facebook has billions of users worldwide, so it cannot possibly have a real human being address every single issue which arises. We are in the technology age, so get used to it.

You also need to remember that if you send something to someone who you really do not know, and with whom you have not established a good rapport, they may consider your post or message annoying, and thus mark it as spam. If Facebook receives enough complaints against you due to your annoying a lot of people, they will take action against you, and it will be your own fault.

Also, you need to realize that the longer you are a part of Facebook, the more likely it is that you will eventually face some kind of punitive measure from Facebook, because you simply cannot control how people will react to your posts, private text messages, comments, etc.

The key is to learn your lesson the first time you make a mistake and are castigated by Facebook, so that it doesn’t happen again. As some of you will already know from your own experiences, each time you make the same mistake, Facebook will slap you harder, and will restrain you from using that particular Facebook feature for a longer period of time.

When I first joined Facebook in early 2011, like many newcomers to social networking, I was a bit ambitious. So I made some of the same common mistakes that everyone makes. I wanted to have lots of friends, and I wanted to preach the Christian Gospel message. It should come as no surprise then that I received a few slaps on the wrist from Facebook until I learned to slow down a bit. Let’s face it. Some of us Christians can be quite enthusiastic when it comes to sharing the Gospel online. So it is not unusual for us to exceed Facebook’s Terms of Service on occasion, and annoy the wrong people.

To continue, over the twelve years that I have had a presence on Facebook, now and then I have seen some of my Christian brethren making claims that Facebook is censoring their posts, persecuting them, and making it impossible for them to carry on their online life, and be a witness of their Christian faith. Some of them have in fact made the claim that Facebook is attacking and punishing a lot of its Christian users — just like the person I mentioned earlier in this note — just because they are Christians.

Initially, I was a bit skeptical of this claim; the reason being that during the twelve years that I have participated on Facebook, I have made thousands of posts, which have included over 4,300 graphics. As I mentioned earlier, anyone who has known me a long time, will know that I preach a rather radical, in-your-face Gospel. I don’t compromise. I tell it like it is. I expose things such as abortion, the gay and lesbian agenda, the ungodly public school system, the corrupt American government, etc. In short, I say a lot of things that liberals and nonbelievers don’t like. Things which upset them. I expose the sins of the ungodly world around us.

Yet, despite the more radical stuff that I posted at times, Facebook never came down on me because of my views. They never persecuted me because of my beliefs. They never prevented me from posting stuff on my timeline, on my page, or in the Bill’s Bible Basics group. So my reasoning at the time was that if Facebook is really after Christians as some of my brethren claim, I would think that they would have stopped me long ago. However, during my first six years on Facebook, they hadn’t done so.

Well, as some of you will know by now, that suddenly changed in November of 2017 when Facebook apparently began to shadow ban, and the number of reactions and comments to my posts began to drop dramatically. By early August of 2019, I began to repeatedly be confronted with “suspicious activity” alerts on my computer screen, forced to log out, forced to enter a new password, and forced to upload my personal ID multiple times to prove that I am who I say I am. It was crazy. After so many years of peace on Facebook, it just came out of nowhere and caught me by surprise.

Finally, on the evening of October 6, 2019, I was locked out of my Facebook account for reasons which still remain unknown to me, and I remained locked out of my account for a full month. Repeated attempts to get back in again failed. Facebook remained totally silent regarding the issue, and never got in touch with me via email, as the “suspicious activity” screen claimed they would do. So I must wonder if this is how they now keep undesirables off of their network. That is, by locking them out, and then remaining silent.

At any rate, I was finally allowed back into my account on November 7, 2019. However, since November 7th, they have continued to repeatedly lock me out of my account, forced me to change my password, forced me to upload my personal ID, and forced me to jump through all of their security hoops. On top of that, often when this happens, they also remove a dozen or more of my posts from my timeline, FB page and the Bill’s Bible Basics group. Half a day’s work on Facebook is just wiped out, just like that. It is really a waste of my time. To say the least, it has been very annoying, and very disruptive to my Facebook ministry, because when they remove my posts without warning, any comments which were made, or any posts which were shared by my friends are lost. Consider the following:

Facebook Lock-Out Dates

32 days = October 6, 2019 to November 7, 2019
06 days = November 9 to November 15, 2019
02 days = November 19, 2019 to November 21, 2019
03 days = November 23, 2019 to November 26, 2019
02 days = November 26, 2019 to November 28, 2019
01 days = December 14, 2019 to December 15, 2019

There have been a few one-day lockouts since December 15, 2019 as well. In fact, I just checked my records, and from July 30, 2019 until today — December 29, 2019 — Facebook has forced me to change my password at least 20 times. Furthermore, I have been forced logged out and/or fully locked out of my account at least 27 times. That kind of harassment would frustrate anyone.

Now, I could do as others have done and immediately attribute these lockouts to Facebook’s bias against conservative and Christian viewpoints, and it could possibly be true. However, in my particular case, I don’t know that for a fact. While I have a few personal theories regarding what may have caused the lockout, I don’t know with any degree of certainty. That is why I refuse to promote the claim that I was ousted because of my Christian beliefs.

The same thing applies to my other Christian brethren who have had problems on Facebook as well. Maybe their problems are due to their position as Christians, and Facebook is harassing them and trying to shut them down. Or maybe, just maybe, such people simply don’t understand what may be going on behind-the-scenes. If we consider that Facebook has billions of users, with servers all around the world, and that those servers are constantly being taxed to the limit by those users, it is surprising that more technical glitches don’t occur. I mean, we are talking about a major, global computer operation here. So many things could go wrong, not to mention the people who try to attack Facebook’s networks from the outside.

Now, if it is not a technical glitch which is causing you problems on your timeline or page — such as a false positive by a bot or algorithm — then maybe you need to honestly consider if perhaps you did something which Facebook didn’t like, and which set off a red flag. You can’t blame Facebook for trying to protect its resources, and its users, when you do something you are not supposed to do. Neither can you blame them if as a result of your actions, you receive a slap on the wrist, or go to jail, as they say.

So, my point is this; Please don’t be too quick to play the Christian persecution card, before you really understand what is going on. If you made a mistake, learn from it, and then move on. On the other hand, if it truly is persecution because of your faith, then consider this:

“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”
2 Timothy 3:12, KJV

“And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.”
Acts 5:41, KJV

“For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:”
1 Peter 2:19-23, KJV

“Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.”
Luke 6:28, KJV

“Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.”
Romans 12:17, KJV

“See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.”
1 Thessalonians 5:15, KJV

“Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing . . . But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;”
1 Peter 3:9, 14, KJV

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;”
Hebrews 12:14-15, KJV

“If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.”
Romans 12:18, KJV

In my case, the harassment from Facebook staff members became so bad, that in June of 2022 I deleted my Facebook account. That is because in May of that same year, Facebook forced me to upload my personal ID a total of SIX TIMES! It was crazy, and I had enough of their nonsense, so I left … only to return three and a half months later in September. 🙂

Anyway, that’s my take regarding this issue. To summarize, it could be intentional harassment, censorship and discrimination on Facebook’s part; or it could be that you simply did something wrong which alerted Facebook’s bots. Others may feel differently.

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I Cannot See Anything

This graphic doesn’t really require any further explanation; does it? So, if you really want me to accept your friend request, then please open the gates on your page so that I can more clearly determine what you are all about, and thus decide if I think we would make good friends or not. Thanks so much!

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Clean Up Your Act!

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”
Ephesians 4:29, KJV

“But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.”
Colossians 3:8, KJV

WARNING! If I happen to visit your Facebook timeline or page, or another social network where you happen to participate, and if I discover that you use foul language which is NOT befitting for a Bible-believing Christian, be advised that I will not hesitate to unfriend you, or disconnect you, or block you, immediately. What is wrong with you? Shame on you! What kind of a Christian witness are you being to others who may visit your page? Are you a member of this present evil world, or do you belong to Jesus Christ? If you belong to Jesus, then reflect HIM, and NOT the mannerisms of the world! I would be ashamed to have some of my friends visit your page! Clean up your act!

Article: “Stop Cussing! Be Not Conformed to This World!”:


Please also consider studying the following KJV Bible Verse Lists:

“Cussing” KJV Bible Verse List:


“Worldliness” KJV Bible Verse List:


“No Peaceful Coexistence Between Believers and Nonbelievers” KJV Bible Verse List:


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Christian Racists? Let’s Hope Not!

Over the years, I have noticed a disturbing trend amongst some of my online Christian friends which really bothers me.

If you send me a friend request, and I visit your page or timeline to vet you, and I discover that you are Black, and all of your friends are Black, well, I have a problem with that. Likewise, if you happen to be White, and all of your friends are White, the same holds true. That equally disturbs me. Of course, this applies to any other race as well.

Friends, the point is that Jesus Christ has broken down the middle wall of partition. Not only are we all one blood in the flesh no matter who we are and where we are — because we are all human beings of flesh with the same blood pumping through our veins — but more importantly, we are also one in Spirit through our faith in the atoning Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

The Scriptures make it very clear that God is no respecter of persons. He does not see our race, and He does not favor one race over another. The bottom line is that He only sees whether or not we have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb. That is all that matters to Him. So please beware of favoritism and racism on your timelines and pages! We don’t want to convey the wrong message to the world, do we?

“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;”
Acts 17:26, KJV

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:28, KJV

“No Respect of Persons (Impartiality)” KJV Bible Verse List:


“One Blood Through Faith in Christ” KJV Bible Verse List:


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Changes to Posting Strategy on Facebook


Due to an unexpected one-month Facebook “vacation” I was given from October 6, 2019 to November 7, 2019 — the first time it ever happened to me in the ten plus years that I have been on Facebook — I made some changes regarding how often I post, and how much I post, on Facebook. While I am not exactly sure why I was given a “vacation” — Facebook never tells us precisely why, do they? — I am hoping that these changes will enable me to survive longer on Facebook. The main changes I am making are the following:

1. From now on, I will be posting fewer hours each day on Facebook. Hopefully, this will convince Facebook’s bots and algorithms to leave me alone, and to not view my posts as “suspicious activity”, as they have apparently been doing since August of 2019. Perhaps Facebook changed their algorithms and further tightened their security. Who knows. Maybe that is why I suddenly began receiving so many “suspicious activity” warnings at the aforementioned time.

2. Unlike before where I was posting multiple links with many of my graphics, my graphics now only normally include ONE LINK directly above or below it when viewed on Facebook. The reason for this change is because some social networks apparently view multiple links being included in a post with suspicion, and their bots and algorithms may erroneously interpret the post as being automated spam. Whether or not that is why I was given a “vacation” from Facebook, I really don’t know for certain. As I said, Facebook never gives us specific reasons for our being locked out of our accounts, thrown in jail, or banned from the platform entirely. Their automated messages always deal in generalities.

What this means is that whereas before I included a number of related links to my articles, series and KJV Bible Verse Lists on the Bill’s Bible Basics website with each graphic that I posted on Facebook, I now just include ONE LINK, which will take you to my original post on the Bill’s Bible Basics Blog. It is there — on my blog — that you will find all of the related links for each image that you see on Facebook. I know that this may be an inconvenience for some of you, but at this point, I am just working to survive longer on Facebook, and to avoid hassles as much as possible.

So, if you really want to dig deeper into God’s Word, please click or tap on the link that you see included with each of my graphics on Facebook. Trust me. If you do so, you will quickly discover that the Bill’s Bible Basics website is a veritable treasure house of God’s Word in the form of articles and series, KJV Bible Verse Lists, poetry, graphics, maps, etc.

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Bill’s Bible Basics is a Public Facebook Ministry


Please be advised that the Bill’s Bible Basics Facebook ministry is a public ministry. What I mean by this is that everything I have to offer to my Facebook friends can be found by visiting my timeline. In fact, to take full advantage of everything that I have to offer in the way of the Scriptures, you should also click or tap on the links which I include with every post that I make. These links will lead you to even more information, and deeper Bible studies, concerning what each of my graphics is about, on the Bill’s Bible Basics website.

The reason why I am stating this, is because I have too many friends — particularly from Asian, Middle Eastern, African and other Muslim countries — who seem to only be interested in engaging in private text messaging. These people show very little interest — if any at all — in commenting on my posts, liking my posts, or sharing my graphics on their own timelines and pages.

Why is this?

I will tell you why. With almost twelve years of Facebook experience — as of January 2023 — behind me, I know for a fact that in a large number of these cases, these people are ultimately only after a few things: money, clothing, Bible supplies, etc. Now, I recognize that some of these people may be honest and sincere in their requests. They may indeed be real, Bible-believing Christians who have given their lives to Christ. However, with so much fraud, deception and outright lying occurring on Facebook, how can we know for sure?

Trust me when I say that some scammers can create a website or Facebook page that looks very convincing and very legitimate. That is to say, the website or Facebook page will give the impression that they truly are Christian, or that they truly do run a Christian orphanage or similar Christian ministry. When such people do start sending you private text messages, they will start off innocent enough with a simple hello, how are you, God bless you, etc. But eventually, they will get to the main point: they want your money, or something else. I have been through this enough times over the years to know. Trust me on this.

Personally, I can’t help but wonder how many gullible, naive Christians — particularly American Christians — on Facebook are sending money to these people, not realizing that they may very well be funding some Muslim terrorist organization, or just giving money to someone who doesn’t even believe in Christ, and who simply knows how to say the right things, and milk Americans for all they are worth in a financial sense.

It is for this reason that whenever I do accept a new friend request, I let the person know right off the bat in my welcome message to them, that I cannot help them in any way, other than by sharing the Word of God with them. If secretly they want more than that, then they are barking up the wrong tree, and their friend request is wasted on me. And they are wasting my time as well.

In short, I like to keep everything above board and out in the open. In other words, if I do accept your friend request, let’s keep it public. Engage with my posts by commenting on them, liking them, and sharing them on your own timeline or page. Now, if you do none of these things; and if you are silent for a long period of time; and then you suddenly start sending me private text messages, naturally, I am going to be suspicious, and I am going to wonder what it is that you really want. Many scammers start out this way.

For the record, I private text with very few people on Facebook on a regular basis. These are normally people I have known for at least a few years on Facebook, if not longer, and who I have grown to trust. I know that they are sincere and legit in their faith in Christ. Currently, I can count such people with whom I text on a regular basis on one hand.

So again, let’s keep it public. Thanks!

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Bill, where did you go?

“But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16, KJV

Sometimes, I receive comments from my online friends, in which they seem to think that I have left the social networks, or at least that I am posting a lot less. In actuality, this is not what is happening.

The fact of the matter is this: If you don’t frequently like, comment on and share my posts, the Facebook algorithm interprets this as meaning that you don’t have much interest in my posts. As a result, my posts will slowly disappear from your news feed, giving you the false impression that I am no longer posting, or perhaps that I have even left Facebook altogether.

My friends, this is simply NOT true. You can prove this for yourselves, simply by visiting my timeline. This applies to other social networks where I participate as well. What you will discover is that I actually post daily, meaning that I make literally hundreds of posts every single month.

So, the solution is simple: Visit and engage on my timeline more often, and you will then hopefully see more of my posts in your news feed as well. Thanks so much!

To visit my website and blog directly, please use the following links:

BBB Webite: www.billkochman.com/index.html

BBB Blog: www.billkochman.com/Blog/

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Before You Click on ‘Confirm’ or ‘Accept’


Are you aware of the fact that you may unknowingly be allowing scammers, porn stars and other questionable riffraff to join your circle of Facebook friends? I didn’t think so. Well, believe it or not, but that is EXACTLY what you may be doing when you don’t take the time to vet and carefully examine each of your new friend requests under your “Friend Requests” menu.

In other words, if you just automatically click on the “Confirm” button next to each name under your “Friend Requests” menu because you are eager to have new friends, or perhaps because you want to have a longer friends list in order to impress your buddies, you could be letting shady characters into your social circle without realizing it. How do you know, unless you slow down, and take the time to go to each person’s timeline, in order to determine who they are, what they are about, what they believe, what their interests are, etc.?

Personally, I would NEVER accept a friend request without doing this first; because failure to vet potential friends is asking for trouble. As you will see in a moment, your failure to check out potential new friends could even negatively affect your already-established friends.

If you take this extra step with each friend request, you may be shocked and surprised to discover that some timelines are nothing more than traps to entice unwary victims to visit a porn-related website or page.

Look; if you get a friend request and their profile pic under your “Friend Requests” menu is a very sexy-looking girl, watch out! It is quite possible that it is a bogus Facebook account. So, don’t be surprised if when you visit their timeline, you discover a string of very suggestive, sexy images, with an invitation that says something like “See my nude photos here”. The word “here” will actually be a link to some other page not on Facebook, where said person will bare the goods, if you know what I mean.

Trust me; over the ten+ years that I have been a part of Facebook, I have come across many bogus Facebook accounts like this, and I still do. The best thing that you can do in such a case is to simply click on the “Ignore” button — or “Delete Request” button — on their page. Please note that I said ON THEIR PAGE. As I said before, you need to go to their page in order to determine what kind of person you are dealing with.

Of course, you could block such mischief makers too. However, personally, I view doing this as an exercise in futility, because the account is bogus, and will probably be reported by a lot of other Facebook users as well. If that happens, Facebook will take down the page sooner or later anyway. So in the end, you will just end up with a long list of blocked users who don’t even exist anymore.

As I said, more than likely, if you have received a friend request from one of these porn scammers, many other Facebook users have as well, and some of them have probably already reported the page. So, you might not even want to bother with reporting the page. In fact, if you report too many pages too often, Facebook may possibly begin to view you as an annoyance. So reporting a bogus account may not always work in your favor. Again, I counsel you to just hit the “Ignore” button, or the “Delete Request” button, and forget about it. That scammer probably already has dozens of other bogus Facebook accounts anyway.

Sadly, it doesn’t quite end there. If in your haste you allow these scammers onto your friends list because you failed to check them out first, you may be doing even more harm. Let me explain to you why this is so.

Stop and think about this. If you accept their friend request, you are legitimizing them as a real person. Now, imagine if twenty people on your friends list do the same thing. That means that the scammer will now have twenty people on their friends list who know each other. Not only that, but those twenty people have confirmed that the scammer is a real person, and someone who can be trusted. In other words, they have given the scammer credibility. That scammer can then send out even more friend requests to other of your friends.

Now, here is where the damage occurs. If those people make the same mistake as you initially did, they may look under their “Friend Requests” menu, see that they have twenty mutual friends with this person, and then decide “Oh, okay. My twenty friends accepted them as a friend, so this person must be alright.”

In short, your friends will do the exact same thing that you did. They will not take the time to investigate that person before clicking on the “Confirm” button. They will ASSUME that the person is okay, because that is what those other twenty mutual friends did.

So do you see now how that works? Do you see how porn scammers and other tricksters can widen their circle of friends due to your own haste, foolishness and gullibility? They can gain hundreds or even thousands of friends, and spread their filthy porn invitations everywhere.

On a final note, whenever I do come across one of these bogus Facebook accounts with the “See my nude photos” link on the page, if I look over at their current friends’ photos on the left side of the page, almost without fail, I will see one of my current friends listed there. In other words, the way in which the scammer found me in the first place, was by tricking someone else into accepting their friend request, and then finding my name in that person’s friends list, exactly as I explained to you earlier.

One way in which you can mitigate this problem is by doing the following:

1. Go to your settings on your Facebook timeline.

2. Click on the “Privacy” link on the left side of the page.

3. Under the “Privacy Settings and Tools” section of the page, go down to the “How People Find and Contact You” section.

4. One of the questions there will be “Who can see your friends list?”.

5. Click on the “Edit” button and change it to “Only Me”, if it is not already set to that.

By taking the above steps, only you will be able to see your full friends list. All of your other friends will only see your mutual friends. In other words, only friends that you both have in common. This is one way to prevent scammers from harvesting your friends list.

For additional information, please check out the following link as well:


I hope you have learned something by reading the above commentary. 🙂

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Do You Vet Potential Facebook Friends?


I was motivated to write the following short commentary due to a comment which someone posted on Facebook under one of my graphics. This person and I have been Facebook “friends” for not quite seven years according to the “See Friendship” section of their timeline. Their comment was posted under the following graphic:

For the record, the reason why I placed the word “friends” in quotes in the previous paragraph is because I had to go to this particular person’s timeline in order to determine if we were even friends, because I obviously don’t even remember or recognize their name. Sound familiar?

“Why don’t you remember them?”, you may ask. Well, because the truth is that this person has rarely — if ever — engaged with me and the BBB ministry in any meaningful way — meaning likes, comments, shares or personal chats — in the almost seven years that we have been Facebook friends. In fact, just to make sure that my facts were right, before writing this commentary, I checked this person’s timeline as far back as November of 2018 — or eleven months ago — and since that time — and probably a lot earlier — they had not shared a single one of my graphics. Neither had they commented anywhere on my Facebook timeline, Facebook page, or in the BBB public group. And we most certainly have never had any private chats during this time, if ever.

As I have mentioned before, the only people who I remember on Facebook — or on any other social networks for that matter — are those whose names I see frequently on my timeline, on my Facebook page or in the BBB group. I suspect that the same situation occurs with most Facebook users; particularly if one happens to have thousands of friends, as I do.

In other words, whether it is on Facebook or on some other social network, we all carry a lot of dead weight around on our friends list. That is, people who we know very little to nothing about, and who we can’t even remember, precisely because they never make an appearance and engage with us. They are in fact complete strangers to us, and just a faceless name on our friends list.

So I am motivated to ask: What is the point of two people calling themselves “friends” on Facebook or anywhere else, if there is little or no engagement of any kind? In my view, it is similar to two people getting married, and then they each have their own bedroom, and engage in very little interaction, sexual or otherwise. Worse yet would be if they each live in their own house. Such a relationship is surely doomed to eventual failure. Sadly, this is a relationship in name only; just like many lukewarm Christians have with Jesus.

But what irked me the most about this person’s comment, is the fact that when they finally did pop their head out of the ditch, so-to-speak, it was to make a low jab with a criticizing, condescending comment. What they said was the following:

“So a person who wants to be a new friend has to measure up to your stature. Hmmm, sounds like a person has to climb a pedestal to be a friend.”

Apparently, this person made this comment all because I ask people to get to know me first before sending me a friend request. I simply ask them to not make a hasty decision, and to make sure that that they want to be friends with me. It seems like a very reasonable and fair request to me, don’t you think?

The fact that this person would even make the pedestal comment, suggests that they did not even take the time to read the whole text comment which I included above the graphic in question. Or if they did read it, they certainly didn’t understand it. So in response to this person’s critical jab, allow me to state the following:

No, there is no pedestal to climb. I simply look for quality friendships on Facebook. Unlike some people, I don’t just blindly approve every single friend request that appears under my “Friend Requests” menu. My goal is not to bloat my friends list in an effort to impress people with how many friends I have. As I explained in the text message that was included with the graphic, I actually take the time to visit each and every person’s timeline or page in order to vet them first, as we all should be doing. As Jesus taught, we are to be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

It is precisely when people fail to vet each friend request, and instead just let every person through the door, that riff-raff, troublemakers and scammers sneak onto their friends list, which could later lead to problems. So, because I do take the time to do this with each and every person who sends me a friend request, yes, it does indeed irk me when only minutes after I approve their friend request, for reasons which remain unknown to me, they turn around and unfriend me, thus wasting my time.

That is the point of the particular graphic which this person commented on; which they would have known, had they taken the time to read and understand the whole text comment which is included with the graphic.

To reiterate, friends, don’t just approve every friend request that you see under your “Friend Requests” menu. Take the time to vet them first. If you don’t, you are asking for trouble. Allow me to give you one quick example. I can’t tell you how many times I have gone to a timeline to check out a person, only to be confronted with “My nude photos here”, followed by a link, at the very top of their timeline. My friends, that is the kind of people you may be adding to your friends list, if you just blindly approve every name you see under the “Friend Requests” menu.

Now, imagine if one of your own friends goes and visits that same page, because they see that you are friends with that person. It might leave you a bit embarrassed, and they may even question their friendship with you as well. So do yourself a favor. Take the time to check out all potential new friends first, or you may end up paying later.

You’ve been warned.

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Before You Send Me a Facebook Friend Request

In case some of you are wondering why I am making this request, and not just accepting every Tom, Dick and Harry who comes along, it is because there have been a number of occasions in the past where someone has sent me a friend request — which I have then accepted — only to have them turn around literally a few minutes later, and unfriend me. I don’t know if it was because they saw something on my timeline or page which offended them or which they didn’t agree with, or what.

But the point is, this kind of indecisive behavior irks me. Why? Well, because after someone sends me a friend request, I will take the time to visit their timeline in order to determine if they are a Christian, and to see exactly what they believe, what kinds of things they post, what kind of language they use, who their friends are, etc. In other words, I vet each person individually.

If I determine that we might be good friends, and then approve their friend request, only to have them turn around minutes later and unfriend me, yes, that rubs me the wrong way. In short, make sure that you really do wish to be my friend before sending me your friend request.

Thanks so much for your consideration. I appreciate it!

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Are You in the Facebook Desert?

My friends, do you find yourself often feeling like you are in a desert on Facebook? If so, believe me when I say that I understand you completely; particularly the discouragement that some of you feel in regards to friend participation on Facebook. I feel it too.

Myself, I have just under 5,000 Facebook friends. However, close observation over the years has shown me that only 300-400 take some degree of interest in my posts. Even worse, only a few dozen people engage in regular to semi-regular participation with my work.

It might interest you to know that many others have reported this same thing, and it is always the same small group of friends who participate. Sometimes I even wonder how many of them are real people, and not just Facebook bots who are pretending to be people.

For example, participation on my Facebook page is about zero. But get this: Prior to November of 2017 when Facebook began making adjustments to their algorithms, I used to get dozens, hundreds, and in some cases, even several thousand reactions — likes, shares and comments — PER POST on my page. Yes, for each and every post.

Beginning in November of 2017, interaction and participation began to drop like a rock in a matter of a few days. My timeline has also pretty much become a dead man’s land with very little participation. Most activity occurs in the Bill’s Bible Basics group, but even that is far from stellar.

But my friends, as I explained before, the problem is NOT necessarily with your friends not liking you, not caring about you, and not being interested in the things which you post.

The REAL problem, as far as I can tell, is with Facebook itself and their algorithms, their attitudes towards Christians and conservative viewpoints, and their d-i-s-c-r-i-m-i-n-a-t-o-r-y practices against us. This begins with their army of liberal-minded editors.

In short, one of the BIG reasons why — like me — you seem to be out in the desert alone most of the time, is because Facebook has sandboxed us for the most part, and is NOT allowing others to see our posts.

I know this for a fact, because my friends have repeatedly told me so. They simply think that I am participating less on Facebook because they see less of my work in their news feed. However, this is NOT true. I normally make hundreds of posts each and every month.

Now think about this: Your friends cannot possibly react to your posts, if they aren’t even seeing your posts. It makes sense, right? Yes, YOU will see your posts, but most others will not, because Facebook has you sandboxed. It is an i-l-l-u-s-i-o-n.

Aside from the d-i-s-c-r-i-m-i-n-a-t-i-o-n against us, I am convinced that it is also a business ploy that Facebook purposely uses to try to pressure us and e-n-t-i-c-e us into spending money on ads. If you doubt my word regarding this issue, spend $100 on an ad campaign and see what happens. All of a sudden, you will reach more people and get more likes and comments.

But beware, because even their ad campaigns are a s-c-a-m. Again, I know from experience that while running an ad may possibly result in quick reactions and comments, ads will garner you very few real friends in the long term. Once you stop paying for the ad, all of that traffic just dries up and disappears. So was spending the money really worth it?

Whatever you do, as hard as it may be at times, don’t let discouragement overcome you, because that is EXACTLY what the enemy wants you to do. That is, to throw up your hands in defeat and say “What’s the use? Nobody cares. Nobody reacts to what I post. Why am I wasting so much of my time here if it is not bearing any fruit?” Before you give in to that ruse, remember this:

“For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:10-11, KJV

“He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves ‭with him‭.‭”
Psalm 126:6, KJV

“Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.”
Ecclesiastes 11:1, KJV

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
Galatians 6:9, KJV

“But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.”
2 Thessalonians 3:13, KJV

So if you reach even one person, isn’t it worth it? If even one person is blessed and encouraged by your work on Facebook, or on any other social network for that matter, isn’t it worth it? If even one person comes to the Lord as a result of what you do here, isn’t it worth it?

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Are You Experiencing a Slow BBB Connection?

Dear friends, I just wanted to remind you that four times daily, I back up the entire internal hard drive of my web server machine to an external hard drive. This is automatically done at 4:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM, my local time. To give you a point of reference, we are GMT+10 here, which means that it will be 14 or 15 hours earlier than my local time on the U.S. East Coast. Each backup at those four hours of the day usually completes within an hour’s time.

Please note that when these automated backups occur, the web server machine becomes sluggish, and this will more than likely affect your ability to connect to any portion of the Bill’s Bible Basics website and the BBB Blog,

As a result, if during any of these four time frames you click or tap on any of the BBB article links, poetry links, KJV Bible Verse List links, or blog links which you find on Facebook, or on any other social network where I participate, you may not be able to successfully connect to the BBB website or to the BBB Blog until the backup has completed. Either that, or you may possibly be able to connect, but the web pages may stall and load very slowly in your web browser.

Also, you need to consider how far away you may be from me. For those of you who live on the far U.S. East Coast, you are close to 7,000 miles away from me. That is A LOT of server hops, and I know for a fact that with the data travelling such a great distance, Internet congestion and other issues can weaken your connection to my web server and make it unreliable. The same thing occurs when I reach out to the U.S. East Coast from here. The minute I pass the U.S. West Coast and head east, things begin to become troublesome, and I may have trouble connecting to a site, and loading a web page.

The bottom line is this, if for some reason you cannot connect to my web server, then just wait a while until you are outside of the above four time ranges, and try again. If you are trying at a different time of day, and still have problems connecting to my server, it may possibly be due to Internet congestion, or some other issue beyond both your and my control.

Also, as I have mentioned before, please be aware of the fact that we do have unexpected power outages here. When these occur, BBB links on Facebook and other social networks to the BBB website and BBB Blog will be totally dead in the water, until power is restored here, and I can get the web server back online again.

I hope this information helps some of you. Thanks for your patience.

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Wow! Never Miss Another Bill’s Bible Basics Blog Post Again!

Wow! Never miss another BBB Blog post again!

As with anyone who maintains an online presence, sometimes, due to technical difficulties either on my end, or with the social networks where I post my work, my images and other posts may not always display properly — if at all — on the social networks where you personally frequent.

If you encounter such a problem, and if you want to make sure that you are always seeing everything that I share online — whether it is images, poetry, articles and series, KJV Bible Verse Lists, etc. — then please consider directly visiting the Bill’s Bible Basics website, and the Bill’s Bible Basics Blog, at the following two URLs:

Bill’s Bible Basics main website:


Bill’s Bible Basics blog:


Thanks so much!

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WordWeaver’s Original Christian Poetry on Bill’s Bible Basics

Since 2014, I have composed more than 700 Christian-oriented poems for your personal inspiration, edification, motivation and conviction. There are also a number of funny ones thrown in the mix, just to make you laugh … or to see how crazy I can be.

Currently, these 700+ original poems are divided into about 100 different categories. Each poem is accompanied by in-depth Bible study resources which are based on my hundreds of Bible-based articles and series, as well as my 640+ KJV Bible Verse Lists.

So what are you waiting for? If you like poetry, and if you like studying God’s Word, here is the URL to go to:


Thanks so much!

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YOU’VE GOT IT WRONG: SUBMIT AND LIVE! — a Bill’s Bible Basics Article

#Christian #BibleStudy #Jesus

This Bill’s Bible Basics article by Bill Kochman can be read at:


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Y2K PREPARATION: SURVIVAL ITEMS LIST — a Bill’s Bible Basics Article

#Christian #BibleStudy #Jesus

This Bill’s Bible Basics article by Bill Kochman can be read at:


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#WomanPreachers #WomanPastors #JezebelSpirit

This Bill’s Bible Basics 5-part series by Bill Kochman can be read at:


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