COVID-19: In Case You Have Any Doubts About Biden’s Intentions

Following is a direct quote from The Washington Times article that I shared earlier:

“The directives are designed to spur vaccination by making life difficult for those who have refused the shots while setting the table for mandates in the private sector.”

Can it be any clearer than that? They want to force us to get a va¢¢ine which has yet to be fully approved by the FDA — that will happen by September — which has not undergone thorough testing for several years, and which has by their own admission resulted in thousands of people suffering from negative side effects, leading to hospitalization, and even death.

Why are they pushing this va¢¢ine so hard for a virus which has a 98% survivability rate? What are they really trying to accomplish with this “va¢¢ine”, which is really not even a va¢¢ine in the truest sense of the word? When has a government ever forced its constituents to do such a thing? Wake up folks! Something is not right with this.

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COVID-19: President Joe Biden Just Gave the Green Light! Now Watch the Avalanche of Forced Vaccinations Begin!

If you doubt it, then just read this article in the New York Times from July 29, 2021. Their agenda is now rather clear:

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COVID-19: Is This a Hint of the Near Future? Blame the Unvaccinated!

This negative sentiment towards unvaccinated people is slowly spreading. It began with President Biden’s ridiculous claim that getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the most patriotic thing you can do. Little by little they are building up pressure, and manipulating public opinion, so that vaccine resistors are being painted in a negative light. Where will it end?

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Warning Regarding Setting Facebook Privacy to “Friends”

Dear friends, I don’t know if this is still true or not, because I have not tried it recently. However, in late 2018, I temporarily changed my timeline privacy settings from “Public” to “Friends”. I also changed friend requests to just “Friends of Friends”.

However, from that day forward, a few of my friends began reporting to me that they were unable to share my work from my timeline, because they couldn’t see a “Share” button or link on my timeline, even though I did see it on my end.

Well, eight days later, after a small degree of frustration, and with the help of a few of my friends, I finally figured out what was going on. As it turns out, it seems that if you set your timeline privacy settings to “Friends” instead of to “Public”, one of the negative side effects of doing that is that it ALSO prevents your friends from sharing your posts. The “Share” button/link simply disappears for them.

I was totally unaware of this fact up until that point. Thank God I was able to figure it out! As I said, this occurred towards the end of 2018, so I don’t know if it still holds true or not, and I am not about to find out. I just felt that I should warn everyone, just in case it is still the case.

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The More You Share the More You’ll See

FYI, the more you share my work on your own page or timeline, the more of it you will hopefully see in your news feed as well. This is because Facebook’s algorithm determines in part how much of a person’s posts to show you in your news feed, based on your particular degree of interest in that person’s work. So, by sharing my work often — as well as by liking and commenting on it — you are demonstrating to Facebook that you like my posts, and are probably interested in seeing more of them in your news feed.

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Sample Facebook Friend Request Rejection Message

Dear friends, if you are like me — that is, if you are very particular regarding from whom you accept a friend request — sometimes, for a variety of reasons, you may have to turn down someone’s friend request. But how do you do it? What do you say to that person?

Well, in some cases, you may simply decide to ignore the friend request altogether, and not do anything. That is, other than delete the request. I myself have done this on quite a few occasions when it is apparent that the account is bogus; or it is plain to see that the timeline is promoting porn with links that say “See my nude photos here”; or maybe it is dark and devilish in nature; or perhaps the page is filled with a liberal dose of expletives; or it simply caters to topics in which you have zero interest.

But in other cases, you may feel that the person who is making the request merits some kind of response from you. In such cases, personally, I feel that honesty is the best policy. Just tell them bluntly why you cannot accept their friend request. If they are offended, or become angry, and march off in a fit of self-righteous indignation, after letting you have it with both barrels via a private message, oh well. At least they know the truth regarding why you turned them down.

Anyway, for those of you who are likewise God-fearing, Bible-believing Christians, and who primarily use your Facebook pages and timelines to promote the Gospel, following is a sample friend request decline message, which you may want to use as a guide, editing parts of it as you see fit. This is based on an actual message which I myself had to send to someone:

—– Begin Sample Message —–

Thank you for your friend request. I appreciate your interest in becoming Facebook friends with me. However, I am sorry to say that your timeline appears to be more about [place your description here], than about promoting Jesus Christ and the Christian faith.

Just so you know, when I scrutinize and vet a new friend request, I consider what my other Facebook friends will see, if they decide to visit that timeline. After all, the kinds of online friends I have is a reflection of my faith, and my own personality. So, I must be careful. Will my friends find something that will uplift and inspire their faith, or will they find something objectionable or offensive?

Yes, like everyone else, I have my views regarding [place your description here] as well, which I sometimes express on my timeline and page. However, I do not constantly dwell on those issues, as you appear to do. My timeline and Facebook page are primarily dedicated to uplifting God, sharing His Word, and encouraging and motivating my Christian brethren.

So, I am sorry to inform you, but your timeline just doesn’t pass the test. As such, in good conscience, I cannot accept your offer, and I feel led to decline your request. Perhaps if you decide to devote more time to promoting the Christian Gospel, I will change my mind at a later date, and accept a new friend request from you.

[You can add any other reasons regarding why you are declining their request in this space.]

—– End Sample Message —–

Your Timeline; Your Rules:

Let me add that who you accept or decline as a friend is a very personal matter. We each have our own set of criteria. Some of us are more liberal in that regard than others. Some of you may exercise a certain degree of leniency which others may not, simply because you are more geared towards reaching the lost and the unsaved, and not just about online fellowship between Christians who are already saved. It is really your choice. It is your timeline, so you make the rules.

My Personal Approach:

I will say this: I really take it as far as I can before I decide to turn down a friend request. I try to be as lenient as possible. I look for every possible indication to see if that potential friend has some interest in our Christian faith. That is, if it is not already apparent on their timeline or page.

For example, I will look at the status updates which they post. I will examine the frequency with which they [and not others] post on their timeline. I will look at what kind of comments they make. I will look at the contents of the images which they post.

If I can’t tell outright that they are a Christian, then I will also look more closely at their photo albums. I will look at their About page. I will look at their friends list to determine if they have a lot of other friends who appear to be Christians, going by their profile images. I will also look to see if they have joined any Christian Facebook groups, or if they are associated with any kind of Christian groups, churches, organizations, etc., in their real offline life.

So again, I do try to give folks the benefit of the doubt.

However, if I don’t become convinced that they would make a worthy addition to my friends list, and be a positive influence on my other Facebook friends, then I simply don’t accept their friend request.

If all they do is talk about politics, or about aliens and UFOs, or unproven conspiracy theories, or environmentalism, or social justice, or some other cause which they support, or if they are into nothing but worldliness — such as fashion, celeb gossip, playing online games, selling items, sports, etc. — and I see nothing about promoting Christianity, or at least having a sincere interest in learning about the Christian faith, then I am not inclined to accept their friend request.

The same holds true if their timeline or page is full of nothing but selfies. I have come across quite a few timelines like that over the years. They are basically just a long stream of images of themselves in different poses, and with different expressions on their face, and not much of anything else. They seem to be totally in love with themselves. I guess they don’t have room for Jesus and the Christian faith in their lives; or at least they don’t wish to express their faith openly on their timeline. How sad.

One other thing I look at is how often a person likes to share content from other timelines, pages and sources. If they don’t, or if they do it very infrequently, then I assume that most of my work will never appear on their timeline. I am a preacher of the Gospel. I want what I do spread far and wide, and to reach and influence as many people as possible, for the Glory of God. If there is little possibility of that happening on their timeline, then that just gives me another reason to withhold accepting a friend request from them.

Yes, we have an obligation to reach the lost with the Christian Gospel. However, the fact of the matter is that they can still gain access to the Good News, simply by visiting my page or my timeline, WITHOUT me accepting their friend request, because my page and timeline are both public. Likewise, my BBB group is open for anyone to join. Thus, the Gospel is being preached to them, if they truly wish to hear it, or read it.

On a final note, let me also add that since joining the Facebook community in February of 2011, I have had way more people — no doubt in the hundreds by now — who have unfriended me, than I have chosen to not accept a friend request from. As I have mentioned before, since joining Facebook, I have constantly had between 4,000 and 5,000 friends at all times. Furthermore, they are of many different nationalities. In fact, only a minority are white American Christians. I think these facts alone reveal what kind of a person I am. So, contrary to what some of my critics would like to believe, I am not just a cold-hearted, callous tyrant. Oh, and also, most of my current friends are people who sent friend requests to me, and not vice versa. I like people who take the initiative. 🙂

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Please Take Some Personal Initiative

My friends, I am sure that many of you can understand that I keep very busy here with the Bill’s Bible Basics ministry. In fact, as I have mentioned before, I am literally years behind in my work, and in the things which I hope to accomplish for the Lord in the time that I have left on this Earth. God knows when my time will be up.

Aside from writing new articles and series, or updating older ones, creating new graphics, or updating older ones, compiling new KJV Bible Verse Lists, and composing new poetry, I also have to contend with what can be very annoying, frustrating and time-consuming web server issues.

Such was the recent case where I had to start my web server from scratch, due to a technical issue which I was unable to resolve. As a result of this problem, I lost four years worth of posts from the BBB Blog. In fact, this was the second time that this has happened since I first began the blog many years ago. While I have the backup resources to replace just about everything that was lost, it takes me many, many months to repost the over 5,000 entries which were on the blog prior to losing everything.

So, the way that you personally can help me, is by taking some personal initiative yourself, whenever you have questions about the Bible and our Christian beliefs. Trust me when I say that after writing now for over a quarter of a century, I have probably already addressed a lot of the same issues which you personally think about and question. All you have to do is dig into my work, and use the Bill’s Bible Basics Search Engine, to mine the gold. Can you do that for me? It will really help me a lot, and you as well.

Following are a few links which will get you started:

BBB Search Engine

KJV Bible Verse Lists

BBB Articles: New

You will find many more links at the bottom of most pages on the BBB website. Thanks for taking the time to read this commentary.

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Please Exercise Patience When Connecting to Bill’s Bible Basics Blog

I just wanted to remind everyone that when you click on my images on Facebook, or on any other social network where I share my work, you need to be patient while you are being transferred to my actual Bill’s Bible Basics Blog, where I actually post my images, poetry, KJV Bible Verse Lists, etc.

For those of you who may have forgotten, or who may not know — I normally do NOT actually post content directly on the social networks — except in rare cases. The few exceptions are personal replies to my friends’ comments and more recent news articles on which I post an opinion. These are in fact posted directly on the social networks without any intermediary software. But regarding all of the rest of my content — meaning my images, etc. — it is posted on my Bill’s Bible Basics Blog first. Then, from my blog, whatever I post is syndicated to the different social networks where I participate.

That being the case, when you click on one of my images on one of the social networks, please be patient, and bear in mind, for example, that if you live on the U.S. East Coast, you are literally thousands of miles away from me. That is a lot of server hops from you to me. In other words, the http request that you send in your web browser has to bounce from server to server until it reaches my web server, and the BBB Blog.

To add to that, please also bear in mind that in order to function properly — some of you won’t understand this — the Bill’s Bible Basics Blog depends on PHP and a mySQL database to load the content on my blog pages. These are known for being slow players in the IT — Internet Technology — field.

So, because of the aforementioned factors, it can take a few seconds — and sometimes a little longer, depending on Internet congestion — for the BBB Blog page or the BBB web page to load completely in your web browser. Please do not get impatient during this time and take off elsewhere.

Let me also remind you that once the BBB Blog page or the BBB website page loads in your web browser, you will see the entire image, along with any Bible verses, commentary or study resource links which I have included below it. This likewise applies to links which take you to my articles and series, to my poetry, to my KJV Bible Verse Lists, etc.

Furthermore, on the BBB Blog, directly below each and every entry which I post, you will find a series of buttons which will allow you to either print that particular entry, share it with someone else via email, or share it with your friends on any social network in which you personally participate. Just click the button that you wish to use, and follow whatever instructions — if any — appear in the sharing form.

I hope that the above information clears up a few things for some of you.

Thanks for your patience.

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Please Don’t Just Be a Lurker!

It is a given that the vast majority of people who participate on social networks are lurkers. They rarely — if ever — like or share posts that they enjoy. Even fewer are those people who take the time to actually comment on a post. Most folks just silently browse posts in the background, never making their presence known through the aforementioned actions.

However, while it may not be their intention, their lack of participation may actually discourage the person who has worked so hard to create, publish and distribute the posts. The truth is that the OP — original poster — may even think that his or her hard work for the Lord is having little to no effect on the lives of others. This may lead them to eventually give up, and stop posting altogether.

What a shame this would be. So if you don’t want this to happen, please be considerate by occasionally liking, posting and commenting on posts that you particularly enjoy. Thanks so much! As we read in the Epistle to the Hebrews:

“But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16, KJV

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Oh Well, Pal. Are You in Facebook Jail?

No folks . . . I am NOT in Facebook Jail. This is just a humorous Facebook poem I wrote back in February of 2018. But, if you want to know my take on Facebook’s jailing policies, check out this link:

I hope they at least give you bread and water while you are in there! 🙂

“Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.”
Matthew 5:25-26, KJV

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No Place for Gangsta Talk

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”
Ephesians 4:29, KJV

WARNING! If I happen to visit your Facebook timeline or page, or another social network where you happen to participate, and if I discover that you use foul language which is NOT befitting for a Bible-believing Christian, be advised that I will not hesitate to unfriend you, or disconnect you, or block you, immediately. What is wrong with you? Shame on you! What kind of a Christian witness are you being to others who may visit your page? Are you a member of this present evil world, or do you belong to Jesus Christ? If you belong to Jesus, then reflect HIM, and NOT the mannerisms of the world! I would be ashamed to have some of my friends visit your page! Clean up your act!

Article: “Stop Cussing! Be Not Conformed to This World!”:

Please also consider studying the following KJV Bible Verse Lists:

“Cussing” KJV Bible Verse List:

“Worldliness” KJV Bible Verse List:

“No Peaceful Coexistence Between Believers and Nonbelievers” KJV Bible Verse List:

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No Doctrinal Debates Please!

#Debate #Argue #DoctrinalDebate

My friends, please remember that Bill’s Bible Basics is not, and has never been, a debate forum. It is simply the avenue where I share my personal Christian beliefs. Whether or not someone chooses to agree with my views is entirely up to them. However, I will not waste my time with fruitless debates. I am too busy doing the Lord’s Work. We each must believe according to our personal faith, and sometimes the best route to take is to agree to disagree, and leave it at that. As the Apostle Paul wisely wrote:

“. . . Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.”
Romans 14:5, KJV

As such, while you may be tempted to do so, when commenting on my posts on the social networks, please refrain from divisive issues which may inflame others’ passions. Too often, such topics can lead to heated exchanges which profit no one. Thank you for your consideration. If you would like to further explore my position regarding doctrinal debates, please consider reading the following two articles:

Article: “Humility in Our Understanding of God’s Word”:

Article: “Should Christians Engage in Doctrinal Debates?”:

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News Feed or Junk Feed

It may surprise some of you to know that when I am on my iMac, I very rarely ever go to my Facebook news feed. Whenever I open Facebook in Firefox, I always go directly to my timeline instead, which I have bookmarked. It seems that with the Facebook app on my iPhone, I don’t have this option. Upon launching it, the app takes me directly to my news feed whether I like it or not.

So why do I choose to go to my timeline instead of to my news feed? Basically, because more often than not, the news feed is full of all kinds of junk in which I am not the least bit interested.

The very worst has to be all of the political garbage. Even some of my Christian friends do it. People — including some Christians — take sides, and then they do everything they can to support the politicians who they like, and to blast and condemn the politicians who they don’t like. I mean, the political gossip, rumors and accusations is as thick as stew. It is unending. I am sorry folks, but I really don’t need that in my news feed. I get enough of that kind of nonsense in the daily news bundles which are downloaded to my email client.

Then there are those people who spend a lot of their time attacking or defending certain popular preachers in the news feed. Personally, while I do expose the errors of a few popular preachers in some of my older articles, for the most part, I strive to stay out of those kinds of discussions, particularly when they are occurring online. As I explain in the following KJV Bible verse list, I believe that we should each abide in our own calling, and leave the ministries of others to be sorted out by the Lord. If they are in error, or false prophets, God will expose them at length:

“Abide in Your Calling” KJV Bible Verse List:

So as I said, I am sorry, but I am not interested in reading that kind of stuff in my news feed.

Then, of course, there are all of the conspiracy theorists with their often off-the-wall ideas, rumors and links to questionable websites, many of which contain bogus info and fake news. I have spoken about this before, and have even made some graphics concerning this topic. So again, no thanks, but I’ll pass on this kind of stuff in my news feed. I just don’t need it.

As if all of the above is not enough to turn me off to the Facebook news feed, then there are all of the posts regarding the latest styles in clothing, ads for make-up, the latest celeb gossip, the coolest apps, etc. Again, I am sorry, but I am not the least bit interested in those kinds of things.

Now, I know a lot of you enjoy posting images of your beloved pets. Believe me; I understand that. I am an animal and nature lover too. I have had pets of one sort or another since I was a young boy. Occasionally, I will share photos or short videos of my two cats, Polo and Eljio. But for the most part, while your cute pet images and videos are often very adorable, nevertheless, I can do without being overwhelmed by dozens of them in my news feed as well. Sorry.

I realize that what each person puts on their timeline is a very personal decision. Your timeline is yours to do with as you please, and that is indeed your right, regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. If you want to fill it up with pics and videos of your family and relatives, or with any of the other things which I previously mentioned, that is your choice.

However, at the same time, please understand that, personally, the bottom line for me is this: I primarily joined Facebook so that I can use it as an outlet to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s it. In fact, that is why I purchased my very first computer so many years ago. I look at my computer, and social networks, as tools to share the Good News of Salvation and other related topics.

Now, considering that most, if not all, of my FB friends are Christians, I would assume that they are also interested in sharing the Gospel with other people on Facebook as well. Sadly, I must confess that I am both amazed and disappointed by the amount of worthless junk in my news feed; much of which is generated by my Christian friends. Yes, there is some Christian content by a small number of my friends. However, having to wade through all of the crap in order to find the good content is just not worth my time. So, as a result, I will mainly stick to just posting on my timeline, and I will stay away from my news feed as much as possible.

Look at it this way. At least when you visit my timeline, you will know exactly what you will find there: Plenty of God’s Word. And it won’t include any of the aforementioned worthless junk. I post some humorous stuff now and then, and as I said, sometimes cat photos, but for the most part, you will find good Christian content which will feed, inspire and motivate you. I hope that I am a blessing to you.

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How to Properly Share My Timeline Posts

Dear friends, as many of you will already know, for many years now, I have encouraged my Facebook friends to share my work. I have likewise made the rules for sharing my work very clear for many years now as well.

But for those of you who may not be aware of my particular sharing rules, because you are a new friend, or perhaps because you have simply forgotten them, allow me to share the following with you for your clarification:

1. If you wish to share my images, KJV Bible Verse Lists, poetry or BBB article announcements, then you must do it the HONEST and PROPER way by using the “Share” link or button ONLY. On Facebook, for example, you will find it located next to or underneath each image or text message that I post. I think it depends on what kind of computer or mobile device you are using.

2. Please do NOT download my images from my Facebook timeline, or from any of my albums, or from any other social networks or online sources, and then re-upload them to your own timeline or Facebook page or albums.

There are some very specific reasons regarding why I request that my work ONLY be shared the PROPER way. That is, via the “Share” link or button.

a. –> It ensures that there is a link back to my Facebook timeline, or else back to an actual page on the Bill’s Bible Basics website or blog. In my view, when people break that link back to the place of origin, it is not fair — and it is dishonest — considering how many thousands of hours I have invested in creating my currently 5,000+ graphics over the years. Please understand that this is NOT just about giving credit to whom credit is due — as some people seem to think — as I more fully explain in the following points below.

b. –> It ensures that all of my BBB article links and KJV Bible Verse Lists links are properly transferred to your Facebook timeline or page, if there are any listed with my post. As I have mentioned many times before, please understand that my graphics are just the icing on the cake, to lead my friends and followers to a deeper study of God’s Word, by following the links that I provide with each image. In short, if you download my graphics, and then re-upload my images to your own Facebook timeline, page or album, or to some other social network in which you personally participate, then any links I provide with my posts will be lost, and your friends will lose the advantage of the deeper Word studies which I provide with each of my images.

c. –> I sometimes update my graphics and make better, improved versions of them. If you download and then re-upload my images to your own Facebook timeline, page or album, or to some other social network, you will keep older versions of my graphics in circulation, which I obviously do not want to happen. Also, as I just said, by doing that, you also break any associated links I may have included with the graphic.

Some people seem to think that uploading my images to their own albums is okay, because all of my images contain my website URL. However, the truth is that we have all grown lazy, and most folks will not take the time to manually type out a URL they see in an image. They prefer easily-accessible, clickable links. Not only that, but unless the graphic is an ad for one of my articles or series, the URL that is on the graphic will only take them to the main page of my website. It will not take them to the actual graphic where they will find article and KJV Bible Verse List links which are directly related to the graphic in question.

But there is more. Many of my older graphics display my OLD website domain name. That is, endtimeprophecy .net. For those of you who may not know, I owned that domain name — as well as endtimeprophecy .org — for sixteen years. However, for reasons which I explain in articles such as “Tradition or Truth? Old Wine or New Wine?”, I relinquished ownership of those two domain names a number of years ago, and have since been using as my only website URL, and Bill’s Bible Basics as my only website name.

However, the problem is that after I gave up ownership of endtimeprophecy .net, some unscrupulous individual — or possibly a group of individuals — bought up the EPN domain name, and for years now has been using the name Endtime Prophecy Net, and the URL endtimeprophecy .net, to sneakily lure people to a website which advertises a hotel chain. On the top of the page, it looks like a very old version of my Endtime Prophecy Net website, but none of the links work. But on the bottom of the page, they have listed a pile of links for their hotel chain. As I mention in the aforementioned article, my efforts to get them to stop such dishonest behavior failed.

So, the point is this: If you have any of my older graphics in your online albums, and if those older graphics still happen to have “endtimeprophecy .net” on them instead of “”, whether you realize it or not, you are directing your online friends to a bogus website which has absolutely nothing to do with our Christian faith.

Sadly, I know for a fact that this is still happening, because even as recently as last week, I have seen some of my older images floating around on Facebook with my old domain name on them. So that is another good reason why you should only be using the “Share” link or button to share my graphics. That way, you can be sure that you are sharing the latest versions of said images. That is, if you are getting them from my BBB website, from my BBB Blog, or from one of the eight social networks in which I currently participate.

To reiterate, if you come across any of my graphics online which still have “endtimeprophecy .net” on them, please do not share them. Thank you!

Be Honest! Please Don’t Cheat, Alter or Steal!

Sadly, as some of you will know, for years now, some people — other Christians, no less — have used my images in ways in which I do not approve. I freely offer my graphics to all of my online friends. All I ask in return is that you have the decency to NOT alter them in any way — particularly by not removing my name and website URL from them, or by chopping them up and using parts of them — and that you share them the PROPER way, by using the “Share” link or button. Please don’t rob others of the blessing of this vast treasure of God’s Word, by stealing and altering my graphics, so that people cannot find my timeline, or the Bill’s Bible Basics website, or the Bill’s Bible Basics Blog. If you are going to share them, share the originals exactly as I create them, and use the “Share” link or button.

Now, if you are not willing to follow the previous simple rules — which should be easy to do for any honest Christian — then please do NOT share my graphics at all. I am very serious about this. Some of you have no idea how long and hard I have worked at this ministry for so many years. I am not a spring chicken anymore. Despite the fact that I am growing old, I still work long hours here, and this ministry has taken a serious toll on my health, particularly on my eyes, back, lungs, head and stomach. In recent years I have gotten DVT — Deep Vein Thrombosis/blood clots — twice because of it, as well as Acute Bilateral Pulmonary Emboli — blood clots in all four nodes of my lungs — and have been hospitalized for sixteen days total, due to the long hours I sit here working on this ministry. So please, show some respect by following the rules.

Thank you in advance for your honesty! GBY for respecting my wishes. And thank you for sharing my work. I really appreciate it. There is only so much that I can do to get it out to as many people as possible. So your assistance by honestly sharing my work is a real blessing to me, as well as to others.

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Have You Encountered a Broken BBB Link?

Friends, if you happen to encounter a broken HTML link in one of my posts, so that you are unable to visit a certain page or blog post on the Bill’s Bible Basics website, please don’t just ignore it and pass it by. Please take a minute to leave me a short comment so that I realize that the broken link needs to be fixed on my end. Unless someone tells me, I may not even know that a particular link is broken. The truth is that I keep very busy with the BBB ministry, and I work long hours, sometimes to the point where my eyes get blurry and I miss things. So, your help is appreciated. Thanks so much!

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Facebook Secrets: How to See More Facebook Content

Every now and then, some of my Facebook friends will send me a private text message, or else post a comment under one of my graphics, in which they will say something like “Glad to see you are back, Bill!”

For a long while after I first joined Facebook, these types of comments used to puzzle me. That is, until I slowly figured out what was really going on. Now, not quite nine years later, I believe I better understand how Facebook works, and I would like to share my personal deductions — theories? — with you, based on my observations.

Over the past twelve years, while there have been times when I have been less active on Facebook for a few weeks, or even seem to have disappeared altogether for a few days, due to personal health issues, the truth is that, for the most part, I have always been here. Even during the times when I don’t post a lot because I am feeling crappy, I still try to keep up-to-date on Facebook notifications regarding new friend requests, likes, post comments, etc.

So why is it that some folks get the impression that I have left Facebook, either temporarily, or even permanently?

Well, friends, it all comes down to the Facebook news feed. People make the assumption that I have left Facebook — or that I am at least temporarily out of commission — because they are seeing very little of my content in their news feed. But is this assumption correct? Not necessarily so.

So here is what I have discovered from my time on Facebook, and from observing my Facebook friends’ activities.

The first thing you need to understand is that Facebook is all about engagement. Facebook not only wants you to be active on your own timeline or page, but they also want you to like, comment on and share your friends’ posts. Why? Because the more you do these things, the better profile they can create of you. In other words, they can form a better picture of your personal online world.

Don’t ever forget that Facebook — and all other social networks — is not just about people around the world happily making friends with each other. It is really about personal data mining. That is, collecting information about you, and then doing who-knows-what with that information. Do we really want to know?

So what happens if you don’t do the aforementioned things? Well, my impression is that if you don’t frequently like, comment on and share a person’s posts, the Facebook algorithm interprets this as meaning you don’t have much interest in that person. As a result, that friend’s content slowly disappears from your news feed, giving you the false impression that they are no longer posting, or have left Facebook altogether. That is exactly what some of my friends have thought about me.

But there is more. As I thought on this further, I began to suspect that not all user actions have the same weight when it comes to Facebook’s algorithm. While I cannot conclusively prove it — because Facebook is so secretive regarding its algorithm — I don’t think that liking a post has as much weight as leaving a comment under a post. Furthermore, I don’t think that commenting on a friend’s post has as much weight as sharing their post on your own timeline.

As I said, Facebook is all about engagement. Liking a post involves the least amount of engagement — or time — so it has the least amount of weight of the three. Commenting on a friend’s post requires a little more investment of your time. So, I think it has more weight than just liking their post. And, of course, if you share that friend’s post on your own timeline, that requires even more of your time, and demonstrates a real interest in that person’s content. Thus, I think that sharing carries the most weight of the three.

In short, the more interest you show in a friend’s posts — expressed by which of the three actions you take — the more weight it carries. Facebook’s algorithm will then measure your level of interest in a particular friend based on the weight of your actions, and then determine how much of their content to display in your news feed accordingly.

So, while liking a friend’s posts may possibly increase the amount of their content that you see in your news feed, commenting on their posts may even better serve that purpose, and actually sharing their content on your own timeline will best serve that purpose, because it demonstrates your serious interest in their posts.

As I said, this is all personal deduction and theory, but it seems to make sense to me. What do you think?

Of course, no one really understands Facebook’s algorithm, except Facebook themselves. Please keep in mind that no matter how much you engage in the aforementioned three actions, you are still never going to see all of a friend’s posts in your news feed. It is simply physically and electronically impossible for Facebook’s servers to do that, and most certainly not for all of your friends. Facebook’s servers — no matter how powerful they are — would probably bog down very quickly, similar to a DDOS– Distributed Denial of Service — attack where things come to an absolute crawl.

I suspect that the way the Facebook algorithm may work, is that as it determines your level of interest in a friend’s posts — based on the weight you have generated for that person — it will give that friend’s posts priority over other posts by other people in your news feed. So, perhaps you may not necessarily see more of that friend’s posts, but what you do see, you may see more frequently. I honestly don’t know for sure how it works. You will just have to experiment and find out.

In conclusion, if you want to see more of my content in your news feed, then you need to engage more with it. While liking my posts may help in this regard, commenting on my posts, and sharing them on your own timeline will probably help even more. Why don’t you give it a try and see if it is true?

I hope you have found the above enlightening and beneficial.

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Facebook Private Text Messages

Folks, unless you happen to be one of my longtime Facebook friends — meaning that we have been friends for many years — who I have grown to trust, and unless you have a very IMPORTANT issue to discuss with me as one of my longtime friends, please have the courtesy to NOT private message me.

For the record, I did NOT join Facebook so that I can engage in private text messages. I joined it so that I can share the Christian Gospel in an open, PUBLIC forum; meaning on my timeline. If you are really interested in the Word of God, then please visit my timeline.

The way I see it, if something can’t be said out in the open, in public, on Facebook, then maybe it shouldn’t be said at all.

If your true interest is God’s Word, then please consider taking some time to visit my actual Bill’s Bible Basics website at:

Trust me when I say that you will find a lot more there than you will on any of my Facebook pages.

The truth is that aside from the fact that I keep rather busy here working on the Bill’s Bible Basics ministry, I get way too many private chat requests from people in African and Asian countries who have ulterior motives.

I am sure that many of you reading this know exactly what I am talking about. Such people will start an innocuous-sounding conversation with a “Hello” or an “Are you there?”, or some similar opening. After that, they will try to engage in a simple, casual conversation in their broken English for a while.

But then, they finally reveal why they are really texting you. It is not because they are really interested in being your friend and having Christian fellowship with you. It is that they have this mistaken idea that all Americans are just loaded with money, and they are hoping that you will help them out.

Trust me when I say that over the years, I have heard it all on Facebook. They want money to purchase school books. Their husband died, and now they are out on the street living with their kids. They have an orphanage full of starving children. They need money to build their church. Their children have no clothes to wear. They need Bibles for their congregants. And on and on it goes.

As I said, I’ve heard it all. It’s possible that some of these stories may be true; but I am inclined to believe that many of them are bogus, because I have caught some of these people in their deception.

The bottom line is this: I am not a rich American. I am old and retired, and I live on a fixed income. My gosh, I don’t even own a car. So I am really sorry, but even if your needs are real, I simply cannot help you.

Then, of course, there are those women who seem to think that I would make a fine, Christian husband. Sorry, ladies, I mean no offense to you, but I am not interested, so please desist.

There are also some well-meaning friends who constantly send me video links, news article links, links to petitions to sign, announcements regarding their new book, chain messages, etc.

Folks, as I have mentioned many times before, it is my personal policy to NOT click or tap on any photos or links which are contained in private messages. Doing so is dangerous business, and it is risky. One never knows what might be happening in the background when you do that. You may end up embarrassing yourself.

So I am sorry if it may offend some of of you, but I don’t care who you are, or how long I have known you. I will NOT click or tap on your photos or links. Neither will I forward ridiculous chain messages. So please stop.

Now if you choose to persist in sending me unwanted text messages, I will set you to “Ignore messages”; and if you really annoy me with your persistence, I may even unfriend you. I am serious.

To those of you who respect my wishes, thank you for your consideration and cooperation! I appreciate it.

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Facebook Posts: It Is Not Really Deleted, Folks

Oft times, we make a post in the heat of the moment on some particular social network. Then, some time later, we have second thoughts, and we decide to remove/delete that post for whatever our reasons.

In this particular case, I am using Facebook as an example, because I am certain that what I am stating here is true.

While removing that post may give us some peace of mind, it is also giving us a false sense of security. Why? Because while we may have hit the “Delete” button and removed that post or image from our timeline, page, group or album, that does NOT mean that it is really gone.

The fact of the matter is that even after you delete a post, Facebook STILL has a copy of it stored on their CDN servers somewhere around the world. And, as far as I know, they will keep it for as long as they want. In other words, it is my belief that they keep a FULL RECORD of everything we have ever posted on their platform.

I never really thought about this until this morning. There have been times over the past twelve years when I have deleted all images from my Facebook albums for one reason or another. However, while neither I or my friends can see them there after I delete them, this is no guarantee that Facebook doesn’t have them stored on their servers.

Perhaps I am wrong, but in my view, this is the only way in which Facebook can bring up our memories from years ago — even after we have deleted a post or graphic — and ask us if we want to share that post with our friends on our timeline, or in our story.

It makes perfect sense to me. What do YOU think?

You might also be interested in reading this Bill’s Bible Basics article:

Article: “Facebook and the Battle for Our Youth”:

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Facebook Post Reach: What is Going On?

NOTE: Please note that as of September 2022, I no longer run a Facebook page or a Facebook group. I only operate a timeline. Also, since writing the commentary below, I have determined that Facebook has had me shadow banned since November of 2017. That basically means that most of my posts receive zero likes, zero comments, and zero shares

If you manage a Facebook page — not a timeline, but a page — some of you will have undoubtedly noticed that for some time now — possibly for months or longer — your page has seen a sharp decline in the number of views it has received, and each post has reached less and less people.

Well, you are not alone. I can confirm that this is indeed fact, and not just fiction or rumor, and that it has been going on for quite some time now, at least in my case. When it began happening to me in 2017 with my page — Bill’s Bible Basics — I noticed the decline immediately, because it was definitely not normal.

As many of you will already know, the vast number of my status updates are graphic intensive. As a result, they tend to draw a lot of viewers on my page . . . at least they used to. Not any more, and it is quite disheartening to the point where I wonder, “Why even bother?”

So here are the facts to prove my point. If I scroll down my Bill’s Bible Basics page to August 2017 and earlier, it was normal for many of my posts to reach hundreds of people each, anywhere from the low hundreds to the high hundreds.

I only scrolled back as far as April 2017, because I got tired of scrolling, but hundreds of people reached per image posted was definitely the norm, without exaggeration. Yes, there were some that didn’t reach that high, but they were the exception to the rule.

In fact, there were some stretches in mid-August 2017 where I was reaching 1,000 to 5,000+ people per post on my page. But that is not all. It got even better than that from late August to about mid-September of 2017. Many posts reached 5,000, 13,000, 15,000, 17,000, all the way up to 56,000 people reached from one single post alone. Boy was I happy then! And this was without paying for any kind of Facebook advertising.

Then, for no apparent reason, for a few days during the last week of September of 2017, the views per post — or post reach — suddenly dropped back down to the 100s. This was a sharp change from one day to the next. Just like that.

Up to the beginning of November 2017, I continued to see a lot of posts which reached hundreds of people, but there were also suddenly many which only reached two, three or four dozen people. Yet another mysterious drop.

Then, on November 9, 2017, it was like I hit rock bottom. Many of my posts were only reaching one to four dozen people on average. Of course, there were some exceptions where I was getting better results, but nothing like what I was seeing from August 2017 and earlier. Not even close.

By late November 2017, the new norm had set it, and it has been rather disheartening, because it has continued to this very day. On average, each of my page posts now reaches only one or two dozen people. Some don’t even reach a dozen people. Again, there are some exceptions, but even those few exceptions rarely reach up to 100 people.

What I have just related to you is an accurate, factual account of what happened on my Bill’s Bible Basics Facebook page, without exaggeration. From comments I have read here and there, I know that some of my friends are experiencing the very same thing, although I don’t know to what degree.

So what is going on? How could I go from reaching many thousands of people, or at least many hundreds of people per page post, to just a few dozen or less in a period of six months?

Considering how sporadic and abrupt these drops were, my first impression was that it was due to Facebook tinkering with some of their algorithms. Being as I don’t work for Facebook, I obviously don’t know what goes on behind the scenes. I don’t know the whys and wherefores. I can only make guesses at best, or at worst, offer personal theories which may border on conspiracy.

One possibility is that Facebook’s servers are under such a load now due to supposedly having two billion users worldwide, that they were forced to reduce the load by implementing more strict algorithms so that each account or page receives less visitor traffic. This would be a practical thing to do in order to extend their bandwidth. But this is me being benign to Facebook.

However, my conspiratorial side leans more towards believing that this drop in our page views may have more to do with money and the profit margin, and Facebook’s “class system”, for lack of a better term.

I have mentioned before that insofar as the Facebook hierarchy is concerned, timelines appear to be pretty much at the bottom of the barrel. After all, they are free to create, and I imagine that they don’t generate a lot of profit for Facebook, if any at all.

In my view, the harsh truth is probably that Facebook treats its commercial users a lot better than us “peons” who run timelines. Yes, Facebook mines our personal data on our timelines, but they are equally interested in making money. In other words, when changes are made to Facebook’s filters and algorithms, preference is probably given to paying customers so that they reap the best advantage, while the rest of us suffer. That is just the financial model of worldly businesses, and there isn’t much that we can do about it.

Having said that, I would think that Facebook pages are a step up in the hierarchy from Facebook timelines. While pages are also free to operate, they undoubtedly generate more revenue for Facebook, because Facebook is constantly enticing page owners to invest in ads in order to increase their exposure on Facebook.

Many of you fellow page owners will know exactly what I am talking about. Facebook is constantly trying to get us to use the old credit card. Personally, I tried advertising on Facebook a few times. However, it was such a dismal failure with only short-term gains in page views and readership, that I have resisted the temptation since then. For those of you who may be considering running ads on Facebook, let me just say this: You need to recognize the risk, and you need to realize that Facebook makes no solid promises regarding what will happen if one does pay for an ad. They use very general language like “you could reach as many as”. They are very careful about how they phrase things. Have you noticed?

I am sorry, but that is not enough for me; which is why I now view the whole Facebook ad thing as a scam, and thus stay clear of it. But you see, my conspiratorial side tells me that this may be precisely why my page views and post reach began to drop so sharply during the last half of 2017.

In other words, what if — yes, I said what if — when we first start a page, we are under sort of a grace period. We are all excited about having our first page, and so Facebook goes light with us. There is not too much pressure at first to purchase ads. They want us to enjoy the moment for a while. It would be a smart move on their part, wouldn’t it?

However, as time goes on, and they determine that we are not taking the ad bait — which means that they are not earning any money from our page — they decide “Okay, this guy has had a free ride long enough.” So, little by little, as the months pass, they begin to restrict the degree of our outreach and exposure. In short, over time, our page views and post reach begins to drop, until finally, our post reach per week is almost always in the red, and rarely ever shows a positive value.

As I said, it is just a personal theory on my part. I cannot prove it one way or the other. So please take it for what it is. All I know for certain is that my post reach dropped drastically during the last half of 2017 to all-time lows, and it has remained there ever since. Obviously, I am not happy about it. That is why I began to spend a lot more time on my timeline, and in the Bill’s Bible Basics Facebook group. At least in those two places, some of my friends interact with me to some degree.

So what do you think? Do you think I am on to something? Do your own experiences seem similar to mine?

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Facebook Pointer Regarding Commenting

Friends, please do me a big favor. Before you rush to comment on one of my posts, whether on Facebook, or on any other social network where my graphics can be found, please have the courtesy to first take the time to read any previous comments which may already be posted there. Doing so serves several purposes.

• First, it demonstrates that you care about what other people have to say regarding the same subject.

• Second, you will know what other users have already stated, and thus, hopefully, you will not be redundant in your own comments.

• Third, you will be aware of any Bible verses which have already been shared.

The end result is that you will be able to offer more informed feedback in your own comments, and continue the flow of the conversation.

Thanks for understanding, and for your thoughtful cooperation!

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