Greetings, friends. Well, I am happy to report that after some serious latency problems — frames stalling — with my live feed last night, today I introduced some changes to the format of my live stream on Facebook. After switching around some of the layers in the broadcasting software that I use, I am quite happy with the way that the feed looks now. Hopefully, the live stream won’t stall as much as it was doing last night — if at all — being as I am using smaller video frames on three layers.
Of course, I have no control over how things look on your end, due to possible Internet congestion, and other factors which are beyond my control.
The BBB live stream now shows three different camera frames on the right side of the window. The top frame is currently playing a recording of me reading seven of my articles. The middle frame is a live view of my living room where my two cats, Polo and Eljio, hang out a lot. The bottom frame is a live view of me sitting at my computer desk and doing ministry work, or other stuff … including eating!
By the way, it is best to view the enlarged version of the live stream on my Facebook timeline, either on a desktop or on a laptop computer … although a phone works fine too. Everything will just be a lot smaller — and less distinguishable — on a phone.