Following is a direct quote from The Washington Times article that I shared earlier:
“The directives are designed to spur vaccination by making life difficult for those who have refused the shots while setting the table for mandates in the private sector.”
Can it be any clearer than that? They want to force us to get a va¢¢ine which has yet to be fully approved by the FDA — that will happen by September — which has not undergone thorough testing for several years, and which has by their own admission resulted in thousands of people suffering from negative side effects, leading to hospitalization, and even death.
Why are they pushing this va¢¢ine so hard for a virus which has a 98% survivability rate? What are they really trying to accomplish with this “va¢¢ine”, which is really not even a va¢¢ine in the truest sense of the word? When has a government ever forced its constituents to do such a thing? Wake up folks! Something is not right with this.