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666: VeriChip, Somark and Microsoft Unmasked!
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Authored By  :
Bill Kochman

Published On :
November 29, 2008

Last Updated :
January 3, 2009

NOTE: This article or series has not been updated recently. As such, it may possibly contain some outdated information, and/or ideas and beliefs which I no longer embrace, or which have changed to some degree.

Applied Digital Solutions, VeriChip Corp, Digital Angel Corp, Destron Fearing Corp, Xmark Corp And Chameleon-Like Behavior, Tommy G. Thompson's Questionable Link To The VeriChip Corp., FDA And American Medical Association Lend Support To VeriChip, The RU 486 Disaster, FDA And AMA's Serious VeriChip Blunder, FDA AMA And VeriChip Corp. In Denial, VerChip Causes Cancers In Laboratory Mice Rats And Dogs, Mark Of The Beast And Sores, Slow Public Acceptance Of VeriChip RFID Implants, Financial Struggle For VeriChip Corp, VeriChip And Microsoft Join Forces, Biochip Hand Implants A Reality, Somark's Invisible RFID Ink

Since I completed the article "666: More Proof Of The Coming System" over two years and four months ago, there have been a number of interesting -- or alarming -- developments which merit our attention. These developments not only highlight the potential danger that is inherent in the VeriChip, but they also serve to emphasize how much closer we have moved to the final fulfillment of the Mark of the Beast prophecy.

First the good news. While in its various press releases the Florida-based company known as Applied Digital Solutions has often described itself as a forward-looking entity, it seems that, to the chagrin of their shareholders, they have been a little too positive when it comes to one of their flagship products. I'm of course referring to the highly controversial VeriChip, an FDA-approved, human-implantable RFID microchip, that is about the size of a grain of rice, and is implanted in a person's right triceps.

In case you are a little confused, Applied Digital Solutions is the parent company of VeriChip Corporation; or to put it another way, VeriChip Corporation is a subsidiary of Applied Digital Solutions. As you may recall from some of my other articles regarding the 666, or Mark of the Beast system, in 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration -- or FDA -- gave Applied Digital Solutions the official green light to begin marketing the VeriChip product, when it determined that the implantable biochip was not a "regulated medical device", and thus classified it as a "Class II Medical Device".

Prior to concentrating on VeriChip, Applied Digital Solutions began marketing a similar product called Digital Angel. This GPS-based -- Global Positioning Satellite system -- product was primarily designed as a location device meant to be implanted in livestock, pets and other animals. Digital Angel can also be used externally by humans in a wristwatch type device. The technology for Digital Angel was actually the brainchild of a company called Destron Fearing, which was acquired by Applied Digital Solutions in 2000.

As you may have noticed, while the Digital Angel product is GPS-based, the implantable VeriChip product is not. As I've explained in other articles concerning this topic, it is in fact a RFID-based -- Radio Frequency Identification -- product which can only be read from a distance of a few feet by a VeriChip scanner. In 2007, VeriChip Corporation created yet another company called Xmark Corporation, which it uses to promote and sell a variety of RFID-based location devices. These include Hugs, Halo, Pedz, RoamAlert and MyCall.

While I've mentioned a variety of company names and product brands, don't let it confuse you. At the core of all these entities -- Applied Digital Solutions, Digital Angel Corp., VeriChip Corp., Destron Fearing and Xmark Corp. -- are the very same people. They are all peas in the same pod, located for the most part in Delray Beach, Florida. It almost seems as if these people keep re-inventing themselves in order to try to purposely confuse the public, similar to a chameleon. Even their products have acquired new names under the Xmark Corporation name, but they seem to be based on the very same Digital Angel technology. So don't be deceived by their sly business maneuvers. Their primarily goal is to do one thing; and that is to track and monitor animals and people for a profit.

Speaking of people, it might interest you to know that one person who has been involved in this invasive technology is the former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tommy G. Thompson. In fact, VeriChip was approved by the FDA while he was still the Secretary of Health and Human Services. There is more. Thompson sat on the Board of Directors of Applied Digital Solutions for two years after he resigned from the Bush Administration. When questioned by the Associated Press in a telephone interview, Thompson denied any knowledge of VeriChip while he served as the HHS secretary and stated "I didn't even know VeriChip before I stepped down from the Department of Health and Human Services . . . I had nothing to do with it. And if you look back at my record, you will find that there has never been any improprieties whatsoever". The same September 8, 2007 Associated Press news article also notes the following which casts serious doubts on Thompson's claims:

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Thompson vigorously campaigned for electronic medical records and healthcare technology both as governor of Wisconsin and at HHS. While in President Bush's Cabinet, he formed a "medical innovation" task force that worked to partner FDA with companies developing medical information technologies.

At a "Medical Innovation Summit" on Oct. 20, 2004, Lester Crawford, the FDA's acting commissioner, thanked the secretary for getting the agency "deeply involved in the use of new information technology to help prevent medication error." One notable example he cited: "the implantable chips and scanners of the VeriChip system our agency approved last week."

The FDA is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services, which, at the time of VeriChip's approval, was headed by Tommy Thompson. Two weeks after the device's approval took effect on Jan. 10, 2005, Thompson left his Cabinet post, and within five months was a board member of VeriChip Corp. and Applied Digital Solutions. He was compensated in cash and stock options.

After leaving the Cabinet and joining the company board, Thompson received options on 166,667 shares of VeriChip Corp. stock, and options on an additional 100,000 shares of stock from its parent company, Applied Digital Solutions, according to SEC records. He also received $40,000 in cash in 2005 and again in 2006, the filings show.

Thompson is a partner at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, a Washington law firm that was paid $1.2 million for legal services it provided the chip maker in 2005 and 2006, according to SEC filings.

He stepped down as a VeriChip Corp. director in March to seek the GOP presidential nomination, and records show that the company gave his campaign $7,400 before he bowed out of the race in August.

In a TV interview while still on the board, Thompson was explaining the benefits -- and the ease -- of being chipped when an interviewer interrupted:

"I'm sorry, sir. Did you just say you would get one implanted in your arm?"

"Absolutely," Thompson replied. "Without a doubt."

"No concerns at all?"


But to date, Thompson has yet to be chipped himself.

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When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved VeriChip in 2004, they stated that they found "reasonable assurance" that the RFID device was safe to implant in humans. In June of last year -- 2007 -- the American Medical Association also gave its support to the VeriChip product. In its report, the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, which is the ethics committee for the American Medical Association, concluded that human-implantable "radio frequency identification -- RFID -- devices" -- such as VeriChip -- "may help to identify patients, thereby improving the safety and efficiency of patient care, and may be used to enable secure access to patient clinical information".

At the same time, the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs also expressed some doubts regarding the security and privacy of human-implantable RFID devices. They also had some concern regarding the medical safety of said devices. In particular, the CEJA noted that "their small size allows them to migrate under the skin". They also noted that RFID tags, such as the VeriChip, "may cause electromagnetic interference, which may interfere with electrosurgical devices and defibrillators". In addition, there was some concern that they "might affect the efficacy of pharmaceuticals". But as I said, in spite of such lingering questions, the American Medical Association went ahead and lent their support to these dangerous, and I might add, demonic, biochips. If you would like to read their full report, please search online for "CEJA Report 5-A-07".

It just seems that when it comes to dirty politics, the FDA never learns its lesson. As I mention in the in-depth series "Abortion: Slaughter Of The Innocent", the FDA made the very same mistake when it foolishly rushed through the approval of the abortion-inducing pill RU 486. Only now, a few years later, are we beginning to see the serious, life-threatening results of legalizing that awful drug in the United States. By approving the VeriChip human-implantable RFID microchip, the FDA has made the very same mistake; and in so doing, has placed at risk hundreds of American lives to date; and that number slowly increases. If you don't know what I am talking about, please continue reading.

As it turns out, the FDA's so-called "reasonable assurance" was not reasonable whatsoever, and the AMA is to blame also. One important fact which was not included in the CEJA report, is that according to reports by the Associated Press, and by Wired News, when some laboratory mice and rats were injected with the RFID chips, they developed malignant, fast-growing, lethal tumors, or cancers, in the area where the microchips had been implanted under their skin. Part of the exposé that I read in the Associated Press article, called "Chip Implants Linked To Animal Tumors", states the following:

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When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved implanting microchips in humans, the manufacturer said it would save lives, letting doctors scan the tiny transponders to access patients' medical records almost instantly. The FDA found "reasonable assurance" the device was safe, and a sub-agency even called it one of 2005's top "innovative technologies."

But neither the company nor the regulators publicly mentioned this: A series of veterinary and toxicology studies, dating to the mid-1990s, stated that chip implants had "induced" malignant tumors in some lab mice and rats.

"The transponders were the cause of the tumors," said Keith Johnson, a retired toxicologic pathologist, explaining in a phone interview the findings of a 1996 study he led at the Dow Chemical Co. in Midland, Mich.

Leading cancer specialists reviewed the research for The Associated Press and, while cautioning that animal test results do not necessarily apply to humans, said the findings troubled them. Some said they would not allow family members to receive implants, and all urged further research before the glass-encased transponders are widely implanted in people.

Published in veterinary and toxicology journals between 1996 and 2006, the studies found that lab mice and rats injected with microchips sometimes developed subcutaneous "sarcomas" _ malignant tumors, most of them encasing the implants.

_ A 1998 study in Ridgefield, Conn., of 177 mice reported cancer incidence to be slightly higher than 10 percent _ a result the researchers described as "surprising."

_ A 2006 study in France detected tumors in 4.1 percent of 1,260 microchipped mice. This was one of six studies in which the scientists did not set out to find microchip-induced cancer but noticed the growths incidentally. They were testing compounds on behalf of chemical and pharmaceutical companies; but they ruled out the compounds as the tumors' cause. Because researchers only noted the most obvious tumors, the French study said, "These incidences may therefore slightly underestimate the true occurrence" of cancer.

_ In 1997, a study in Germany found cancers in 1 percent of 4,279 chipped mice. The tumors "are clearly due to the implanted microchips," the authors wrote.

"There's no way in the world, having read this information, that I would have one of those chips implanted in my skin, or in one of my family members," said Dr. Robert Benezra, head of the Cancer Biology Genetics Program at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

Before microchips are implanted on a large scale in humans, he said, testing should be done on larger animals, such as dogs or monkeys. "I mean, these are bad diseases. They are life-threatening. And given the preliminary animal data, it looks to me that there's definitely cause for concern."

Dr. George Demetri, director of the Center for Sarcoma and Bone Oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, agreed. Even though the tumor incidences were "reasonably small," in his view, the research underscored "certainly real risks" in RFID implants.

At the Jackson Laboratory in Maine, a leader in mouse genetics research and the initiation of cancer, Dr. Oded Foreman, a forensic pathologist, also reviewed the studies at the AP's request.

At first he was skeptical, suggesting that chemicals administered in some of the studies could have caused the cancers and skewed the results. But he took a different view after seeing that control mice, which received no chemicals, also developed the cancers. "That might be a little hint that something real is happening here," he said. He, too, recommended further study, using mice, dogs or non-human primates.

Meanwhile, the animal study findings should be disclosed to anyone considering a chip implant, the cancer specialists agreed.

To date, however, that hasn't happened.

Late last year, Albrecht unearthed at the Harvard medical library three studies noting cancerous tumors in some chipped mice and rats, plus a reference in another study to a chipped dog with a tumor. She forwarded them to the AP, which subsequently found three additional mice studies with similar findings, plus another report of a chipped dog with a tumor.

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Just as former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tommy G. Thompson, denied knowing anything about VeriChip, or even the health risks that it possessed, representatives from the FDA, the American Medical Association and VeriChip Corp. all denied that they knew that the VeriChip posed a health risk to its recipients. The aforementioned AP news article notes:

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"We stand by our implantable products which have been approved by the FDA and/or other U.S. regulatory authorities," Scott Silverman, VeriChip Corp. chairman and chief executive officer, said in a written response to AP questions.

The company was "not aware of any studies that have resulted in malignant tumors in laboratory rats, mice and certainly not dogs or cats," but he added that millions of domestic pets have been implanted with microchips, without reports of significant problems.

"In fact, for more than 15 years we have used our encapsulated glass transponders with FDA approved anti-migration caps and received no complaints regarding malignant tumors caused by our product."

The FDA also stands by its approval of the technology.

Did the agency know of the tumor findings before approving the chip implants? The FDA declined repeated AP requests to specify what studies it reviewed.

Also making no mention of the findings on animal tumors was a June report by the ethics committee of the American Medical Association, which touted the benefits of implantable RFID devices.

Had committee members reviewed the literature on cancer in chipped animals?

No, said Dr. Steven Stack, an AMA board member with knowledge of the committee's review.

Was the AMA aware of the studies?

No, he said.

But in its SEC filings, product labels and press releases, VeriChip Corp. has not mentioned the existence of research linking embedded transponders to tumors in test animals.

Did the [FDA] review literature on microchip implants and animal cancer?

Dr. Katherine Albrecht, a privacy advocate and RFID expert, asked shortly after VeriChip's approval what evidence the agency had reviewed. When FDA declined to provide information, she filed a Freedom of Information Act request. More than a year later, she received a letter stating there were no documents matching her request.

Asked if it had taken these studies into account, the FDA said VeriChip documents were being kept confidential to protect trade secrets. After AP filed a FOIA request, the FDA made available for a phone interview Anthony Watson, who was in charge of the VeriChip approval process.

"At the time we reviewed this, I don't remember seeing anything like that," he said of animal studies linking microchips to cancer. A literature search "didn't turn up anything that would be of concern."

Another implantable device could be a pacemaker, and indeed, tumors have in some cases attached to foreign bodies inside humans. But Dr. Neil Lipman, director of the Research Animal Resource Center at Memorial Sloan-Kettering, said it's not the same. The microchip isn't like a pacemaker that's vital to keeping someone alive, he added, "so at this stage, the payoff doesn't justify the risks."

Silverman, VeriChip Corp.'s chief executive, disagreed. "Each month pet microchips reunite over 8,000 dogs and cats with their owners," he said. "We believe the VeriMed Patient Identification System will provide similar positive benefits for at-risk patients who are unable to communicate for themselves in an emergency."

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The article in Wired News basically reported the very same thing. In other words, the VeriChip, and similar implantable biochips, are simply very bad news for both animals and human beings. Not everyone is negatively affected by these devices; and not all animals are affected either; nevertheless, after having read the previous points, would you still want to get a VeriChip embedded in your right triceps? Would you want your child injected with one? Let me remind you again that it took several years of data collection before anyone realized that there was a serious problem with RU 486. What will we learn in a few years time after people have had VeriChips in their bodies for a longer period of time? Will they still be deemed to be safe?

We may not have to look too far to find ourselves an answer. As I was reading all of this news regarding the VeriChip and skin cancers, I was reminded of some very interesting verses that are found in the Book of Revelation. In chapter sixteen we read the following:

"And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image."
Revelation 16:1-2, KJV

In the previous verses, the word "sore" is translated from the Greek work "helkos". My Greek lexicon defines this word as meaning "a wound, especially a wound producing a discharge pus, a sore, an ulcer". Is it possible that these sores will actually be caused by the VeriChip, or some form of related RFID technology which turns out to be the Mark of the Beast? Given what we have learned thus far, it seems highly likely.

As I noted earlier, there is some good news in all of this; and that is that according to a 2006 report on the CNET website called "Patients, Doctors Staying Away From Implantable RFID Chips", the vast majority of medical institutions and professionals, as well as medical patients, have rejected the VeriChip. This, of course, has resulted in the VeriChip Corporation experiencing serious financial difficulties; as can be seen by the following excerpts from the news article in question:

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Only 222 medical patients in total have opted to get RFID chips from VeriChip implanted as of the end of 2006, according to documents filed by the company with the Securities and Exchange Commission as part of its initial public offering. It's a modest number, the company says, and revenue for these systems is far below projections.

"To date, we have only generated approximately $0.1 million in revenue ($100,000) from sales of the microchip inserter kits, significantly less than we had projected at the beginning of 2006. We may never achieve market acceptance or more than nominal or modest sales of this system," the company stated.

The slow sales will likely hearten the many critics of the company. When the company first began touting the technology nearly three years ago, it was criticized by civil libertarians, who saw the chips as a gateway to privacy erosion, and by religious consumers some of whom said that implantable chips were the mark of the beast.

In its SEC filing, the company stated that many patients are probably unwilling to get chipped, the company said, and doctors have likely been reluctant to discuss the procedure with clients. Privacy issues and bad publicity have also been factors.

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As you can see by the previous excerpts, despite their best efforts, by the end of 2006, only 222 individuals had chosen to be implanted with the VeriChip in the United States. This figure is based upon the VeriChip Corporation's own figures. According to the website "At the beginning of 2008, that figure was estimated to be around 300 people". It then adds "Many of the implanted individuals are employees of the VeriChip Corporation, or patients participating in experimental trials of the device". On its own website, the VeriChip Corporation slyly boasts "VeriChip's RFID solutions are currently in use in over 5,000 installations worldwide, crossing healthcare, security, government, and industrial markets".

While the 5000 number may seem impressive to some people, the truth of the matter is that the number of actual individuals who have been implanted with the VeriChip is a lot lower. On their FAQ page, the VeriChip Corporation simply states that "thousands of patients live with the chip without problems". Due to the secrecy that the company maintains, no one really know exactly how many thousands of people have been chipped worldwide; but it is undoubtedly still very low. While they may have 5,000 installations worldwide, as the previous news article noted in 2006, "many patients are probably unwilling to get chipped, the company said, and doctors have likely been reluctant to discuss the procedure with clients". The aforementioned September 8, 2007 Associated Press exposé is more forthcoming, and suggests an actual number of VeriChip recipients. It reports that "to date, about 2,000 of the so- called radio frequency identification, or RFID, devices have been implanted in humans worldwide, according to VeriChip Corp".

Considering how much time, money, research and promotional efforts VeriChip Corporation has invested in their product, it is obvious that their returns are still quite dismal. At their current rate of success, it is going to be a very long time before the VeriChip becomes popular, particularly in the USA. It's encouraging to realize that a lot of Christian writers, as well as privacy advocates, have been responsible for slowing down the VeriChip Corporation's plans to cover the globe with their hellish invention. But VeriChip is one company that is not about to give up, and it now looks like some much-needed help may be on the way. Ten days ago, in a press release that was published on the VeriChip Corporation website, it was announced that the Florida-based company has joined forces with the Microsoft Corporation. Following are some excerpts taken from their announcement:

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DELRAY BEACH, FL– November 17, 2008 –VeriChip Corporation (the "Company") (NASDAQ: CHIP), a provider of radio frequency identification (RFID) systems for healthcare and patient-related needs, today announced that its personal health record used in conjunction with its VeriMed Health Link system will be accessible through Microsoft® HealthVault™, an online platform designed to put consumers in control of their health information. Through this agreement, Health Link members will have the ability to open free HealthVault accounts and input, store, view and interact with their health data. Further, the data within Health Link members’ existing accounts will be directly accessible through their HealthVault accounts.

Scott R. Silverman, Chairman of the Company, said, "VeriChip’s strategic alliance with Microsoft provides additional benefits to our members by enabling them to seamlessly store all of their personal health records on HealthVault’s robust, security-enhanced website. Furthermore, as an approved HeathVault solution provider, this agreement gives us added visibility among HealthVault’s member base. For those who have chosen our tamper-proof, safe, "always on" link to their personal health information, we believe this relationship with Microsoft is a logical expansion of our service."

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As I told our mailing list members, this development may not seem very important, but this partnership allows VeriChip a lot of room for growth. It is precisely this kind of global mechanism that the VeriChip Corporation requires in order to expand the usage of its products in a very major way. We all know that Microsoft Corp has infiltrated every corner of the globe. Currently, around 90% of the world uses the Windows operating system; particularly in the business, science and medicine spheres. To compound this problem even further, we are all also aware of how extremely aggressive, and shrewd, Microsoft Corp can be when it comes to promoting the use of its products. You will recall that Microsoft's questionable business practices is exactly what the anti-trust law suits have been all about. So if the VeriChip Corporation is able to piggyback on the Microsoft Corporation, it just might be able to improve the poor performance of the VeriChip RFID human-implantable biochip. Time will certainly tell.

Before concluding this article, we have one more topic to discuss. As we have already seen, whether they are Christian or not, a lot of people, in fact, most people, have rejected the VeriChip RFID biochip implant. While there are obviously a variety of reasons for this rejection, one of them is due to the fact that the VeriChip appears to be paving the way for the Mark of the Beast global economic system. While the VeriChip is currently implanted in the right biceps by means of a quick surgical procedure, who is to say that sometime in the future, it, or a similar technology, won't be placed in the recipient's forehead or right hand? In fact, it will interest you to know that while I was conducting research for this article, I discovered that some microchips are even now being inserted in people's hands in order to gain access to their computers.

But here is the question: What if the Mark of the Beast, or 666, system was less intrusive, and didn't require an actual implant? Or, what if recipients were given a choice between having an actual biochip implant surgically placed in their body, or having an invisible code tattooed on their body? Is it possible that there would be less resistance to such a system? Would more people be willing to get their damnable Mark of the Beast?

As it turns out, the latter alternative has already become available. A company called Somark Innovations has developed an invisible RFID ink, which it has successfully tested on both cattle and mice. According to information that is found on their website, an individual animal, such as a cow, can be painlessly branded with the 15-digit invisible ink in less than ten seconds. Furthermore, its fur doesn't even need to be shaved off in order to apply the RFID tattoo. The website also states that the invisible RFID tattoo can be read by a scanner up to a distance of four feet.

"Oh, but that's just for animals", you may retort. Well, not so fast. Somark Innovations notes that their new ID system, which relies upon a 100% biocompatible and chemically inert ink, would be perfect for marking soldiers going into battle. So obviously, they already have plans to move from animals, to people, which is exactly what Applied Digital Solutions did as well. Of course, if this invisible RFID ink works so well on soldiers, why stop there? Why not tag young children in case they become lost? Why not tattoo senior citizens who may suffer from Alzheimer's Disease? In fact, why don't we just go the whole nine yards and tag the whole world? Doesn't that sound just lovely?

There was a time when the devilish Mark of the Beast system seemed so far away; but, not anymore. A very dark future is rushing up to greet us. How will you meet it? What will you do? Will you bow to political correctness and stand in line to sell your soul to Satan; or will you fear the Lord and resist, come what may? The choice is yours.

With these thoughts, I will bring this article to a close. It is my hope that you've found it informative and enlightening, and I pray that it has been a blessing in your life as well. If you have an account with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or with any other social network, I would really appreciate if you'd take the time to click or tap on the corresponding link that is found on this page. Thanks so much, and may God bless you abundantly!

For additional information and further study, you may want to refer to the list of reading resources below which were either mentioned in this article, or which contain topics which are related to this article. All of these articles are likewise located on the Bill's Bible Basics web server. To read these articles, simply click or tap on any link you see below.

Mondex and the Mark of the Beast
Obamacare and the Mark of the Beast: Fact or Fiction?
Precursors to the 666 and the Mark of the Beast
666: More Proof of the Coming System
666: The Patience of the Saints
Robot Wars and Skynet: Is Sci-Fi Becoming Our Reality?
Satan: King of Tyrus, King Of Empires
The Kings of the North and the South
Who is Babylon the Great?
The Seven Heads
Who Is Who: Defining Important Prophecy Terms
Who Hindered the Antichrist?

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