Bill's Bible Basics:
Old Articles List

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Bill's Bible Basics: Old Articles List

Important Note:

This list contains articles which were written or last updated before July 27, 2016. They are in the process of being reviewed and updated, as needed, and as my time and health permit. It will probably take me years to get to them all. As such, what I state in a doctrinal sense in the BBB New or Updated Articles List takes precedence over what you may find in the articles which are listed below. Please note that in order to avoid confusion, new or upated articles are not included in the list below. Please refer to the aforementioned list instead.

The number before the forward slash and date indicates how many parts it has. Three parts or more constitutes a BBB series. The date is in the format mm-dd-yy.

Your fellowservant,
Bill Kochman
Article Title

Important Note:

Similar to the previous list, these articles are also in the process of being updated. The reason why I have listed them separately, is because they were written at a time in my life when I still fully embraced the Futurist theological perspective. As such, they do contain certain beliefs regarding Bible prophecy which I no longer fully embrace. Someday I hope to update them all. But until then, they will serve as a window into some of my former thinking.

The number before the forward slash and date indicates how many parts it has. Three parts or more constitutes a BBB series. The date is in the format mm-dd-yy.


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