Authored By :
Bill Kochman
Published On :
January 25, 2019
Last Updated :
January 25, 2019
Introductory Statements, Remain Clear Of Political Debates, Political Articles On Bill's Bible Basics Website, Inherent Danger Of Political Parties: Party Before People, Democrats' Staunch Opposition To President Trump, Hypocrisy Of Current Democratic Opposition To Southern Border Wall, Trump Election Was A Game Changer, Democrats' Do-Or-Die Campaign To Destroy President Trump, Why Democrats Want To Destroy Trump, Ruth Bader Ginsburg And Future Of US Supreme Court, Democrats Are All Talk But No Show, Why Democrats Don't Want A Border Wall, A Powerful Democratic Voting Block And Cheap Labor, Citizens Are The Ones To Suffer The Most, November 2018 Midterms Were A Harbinger Of Coming Trouble, The Affect On World Opinion Of America, Recalcitrant Democrats, Nancy Pelosi Refuses Trump's Right To Give State Of The Union Address In Congress, What US Constitution Says, Is Speaker Nancy Pelosi Destroying Her Own Career?, Opposition In Her Own Party, Suggested Reading List
As many of you will know, under normal circumstances, I generally strive to maintain a safe distance from politics on my Facebook timeline, on my Facebook page, and on other social networks where I syndicate my work, unless it is a political issue which has something directly to do with our Christian faith. I endeavor to keep both my timeline and my page -- and most of my graphics -- centered strictly around the promotion of God's Word, because that is what liberates people, that is what changes people, and that is what also ultimately saves people if they embrace the truth regarding Jesus Christ. And in the case of my more mature Christian friends, my posts on the social networks feed you, inspire you, and motivate you as well to better serve the Lord.
Furthermore, as some of you will no doubt already know, it is so easy to become tripped off in politics, and to forget what our primary mission is as Christians on Facebook, and on other social networks where we participate. It certainly isn't to become involved in endless, time-wasting, political debates, which rarely, if ever, end in agreement. In most cases, people are talking AT each other, and not really TO each other. They simply want to be heard, before marching on to the next verbal fight. I discuss this very same issue in the article entitled "Should Christians Engage in Doctrinal Debates?".
However, with my articles and series on the Bill's Bible Basics website, it is a different story. I won't hesitate to write about a political issue, if I feel very strongly about it. Of course, even then, I will endeavor to support my views by providing ample Scriptural support for them. Having said that, after composing my latest poem earlier today entitled "Nancy, Nancy", and given the fact that many U.S. citizens will soon be even more deeply affected by the current partial government shutdown -- that is, unless it ends very soon -- I felt compelled to share the following personal observations with you. Naturally, these are just my thoughts. You do not have to agree with them; but neither will I debate them.
One thing which we see time and time again, is that the inherent danger, and the inherent weakness of any political party, is that the leaders and members of that party will eventually place the party above the people. What I mean by this is that they will put the survival of the party, and the unity of the party, before the actual needs of their constituents, who they are supposed to be serving. Perhaps you have seen this in your own country, wherever you live. Presenting the party as a unified body -- even when it really isn't 100% so -- takes precedence over any needs of the population at large.
In my view, this is exactly what we are seeing right now with the Democrats in the USA. It has become apparent to me -- and obviously to many others as well -- that they would rather hypocritically stand in lockstep behind Nancy Pelosi, in stiff opposition to President Trump, than do what really needs to be done, for the benefit of the nation as a whole: negotiate with the president, give him the $5.7 billion for the construction of the southern border wall, and end the government shutdown before the suffering grows worse.
Why is the Democrats' stance so hypocritical? Quite simply, because as it is already well known, prior to Donald Trump becoming the 45th president of the United States of America in 2016, the Democrats in fact supported both immigration reform, and improved security at the U.S. southern border. Previous presidents -- including Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama -- spoke about and supported the very same thing. If you doubt that this is so, conduct your own online research, and you will find news clips and other videos which contain speeches where these individuals lay out their positions in regard to U.S. immigration policies. It sounds very similar to what President Trump has been proposing.
So why the sudden opposition by Democrats? What changed? As I explain in my three-part series entitled "What About the Wall?", only one thing: Hillary Clinton unexpectedly lost the 2016 presidential campaign -- sending Democratic plans into a tailspin -- and Donald J. Trump became America's 45th president. From that point until now, the rather vindictive Democrats have engaged in a frenzied, do-or-die, nonstop game of discrediting, obstructing, condemning and destroying the president at every opportunity. Any keen observer will easily note that the Democrats don't want him to succeed at anything. They most certainly do not want Trump to remain in office. Thus, their flirtation with impeachment proceedings. The issue of the southern border wall is just one more brick in the Democrats' own, excuse the term, "wall of defense".
Of course, one of the reasons I have mentioned previously regarding why the Democrats are so adamantly opposed to Mr. Trump, and why they are in fact afraid of him, is because they know exactly what he intends to do, and will probably have the opportunity to do, in the not-so-distant future, if he remains in office. If he wins a second term, it is a sure bet that President Donald Trump will in fact do it. What am I referring to? The nomination of another conservative judge to the U.S. Supreme Court. Currently -- 2019 -- with the 2018 selection of Brett Kavanaugh as an Associate Justice on the bench, the court already has a conservative majority of 5 to 4. As a result, the Democrats are already having a very difficult time.
However, as you have probably already heard, 85-year-old, longtime, liberal Associate Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, has been in ill health for a number of years now. In fact, in December of 2018, Ginsburg underwent surgery to remove cancerous nodules from her lungs. This was not her first bout with cancer. As of this date, she has yet to return to the bench, and rumors are flying. Given her current age, the natural course of life will take its final toll soon enough. When that occurs, and if he is still in office, as I said, Mr. Trump will most assuredly put forth another conservative judge who will give the conservatives an unstoppable 6 to 3 unanimous vote on the bench. So aside from everything else, that is one of the big reason why the Democrats are moving full speed ahead to stop this president dead in his tracks, and in fact, to have him removed from office.
But that is not all. Returning to the issue of the border wall, while I mentioned the fact that previous presidents -- both Republican and Democrat -- have voiced support for some form of immigration reform and better border security, there is one very major difference between them and Mr. Trump, and I think you already know what it is. Yes, that's right. Mr. Trump is putting feet to his words. He is not just giving lip service to the public. He made a campaign promise, and he fully intends to keep it, in one form or another. Others before him were all talk and no show for literally decades.
This is another huge reason why the Democrats are afraid of Trump and want to bring him down. As I explain in "What About the Wall?", weak, lax border security means an annual influx of immigrants -- legal or illegal -- who end up providing the Democrats with two things: a larger Democratic voting block, and cheap labor. Of course, all unscrupulous business owners and leaders -- regardless of political affiliation -- derive financial advantage from this kind of arrangement; and it is an established fact that most of these people will eventually vote Democrat. Just take a look at the stories regarding the Democratic vote in places such as California. Clearly, there is political mischief going on there.
So again, no matter what Donald Trump says, no matter what he attempts to accomplish, and no matter how much he strives to compromise and reach across the political isle, sadly, those hardheaded Democrats will always find something wrong with it, and they will never agree with anything originating on the Republican side of the isle. How can the US government effectively operate under such conditions? Obviously, it cannot do so. Thus, we find ourselves in this current state of political paralysis and polarization, a.k.a., the partial government shutdown.
Sadly, we the people are the ones who ultimately feel the negative effects of this ongoing war between the President, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and the Democrats and the Republicans in general. As some of you will already know, the current partial government shutdown is not just having a negative affect on the lives of federal workers, as the mainstream media may lead you to believe. There are in fact many elderly, sick and poor Americans who depend heavily on different government subsidy and assistance programs, such as the SNAP program -- formerly known as Food Stamps -- the WIC program -- the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children -- Welfare, MIP -- a.k.a. the Medically Indigent Program -- Medicaid, Section 8 and public housing, etc. These programs all depend on government funding; funding which is about to dry up, unless something is done to prevent it very soon.
Like many other people, when the Democrats won the House in November of 2018, I knew that if the situation was already bad between the two parties back then, it would only grow worse once the Democrats took over control of the House of Representatives in January of this year, 2019. I warned my friends of the coming storm. The Midterms were a harbinger of the coming trouble. We are now seeing exactly what so many of us feared. The verbal onslaught has grown dirtier, uglier, and more vicious by the day, as each party and each politician has entrenched themselves ever deeper in their own staunch positions. Yes, they appear cordial while they are on camera. However, the daggers are hidden underneath.
It is disgraceful, and it is indeed shameful. It reminds me of my 2016 political poem called "Backyard Politics" where I discuss political mud-slinging. The world is watching you, America. How will they continue to have confidence in the US government after witnessing all of this sickening bravado and showmanship? Such buffoonery can only hurt America and her citizens.
As I said, Mr. Trump has made endeavors to reach across the isle, but the recalcitrant Democrats refuse to even come to the negotiating table. They rejected his most recent offer, even before it was publicly announced. They are like the three well-known "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" monkeys. Their minds are made up, and nothing is going to change that. Nancy Pelosi's latest decision to refuse to authorize President Trump's State of the Union Address in Congress, supposedly due to security concerns -- a claim which has since been exposed for the ridiculous farce that it is -- is just the most recent example of her -- and the Democrats' -- absurdity and insanity. They appear to have become totally unhinged. They have become blinded by their rage against the president. Some of them are long overdue for a permanent vacation from Washington, DC.
The fact of the matter is that we the people have a right to hear the president speak, in the place where it has been traditionally done for the past two centuries. Furthermore, it is Mr. Trump's constitutional right and obligation as the president to give such a speech. For those of you who may not be aware of it, Article II, Section 3, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution states that the president:
----- Begin Quote -----
". . . shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient."
----- End Quote -----
Historically speaking, it is for the most part unheard of for the Speaker of the House to attempt to shut down the president, and to prevent him from giving his annual State of the Union Address in the halls of Congress. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is definitely establishing an alarming precedent, which she may eventually come to regret, perhaps sooner than later.
As I hint at in my "Nancy, Nancy" poem, whether she realizes it or not, my feeling is that Nancy Pelosi may be destroying herself by her current adamant stance against the president. Latest news reports and commentaries suggest that even some of the lower-ranking members of her own party are totally fed up with her, and do not agree with Pelosi's inflexible opposition to President Trump. These young bucks in fact want to negotiate some kind of a political compromise, fund the border wall, and end the partial government shutdown. The question is, do they have enough political clout to do so, or will domineering Nancy just shut them down too? Time will certainly tell. Something has to give way soon, because the American people can only endure so much.
With these thoughts, I will bring this article to a close. It is my hope that you've found it informative and enlightening, and I pray that it has been a blessing in your life as well. If you have an account with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or with any other social network, I would really appreciate if you'd take the time to click or tap on the corresponding link that is found on this page. Thanks so much, and may God bless you abundantly!
For additional information and further study, you may want to refer to the list of reading resources below which were either mentioned in this article, or which contain topics which are related to this article. All of these articles are likewise located on the Bill's Bible Basics web server. To read these articles, simply click or tap on any link you see below.
What About the Wall?
What About the Poor?
Should Christians Engage in Doctrinal Debates?
"Oppression of the Poor" KJV Bible Verse List
BBB Poem: "The Wall"
BBB Poem: "Nancy, Nancy"
BBB Poem: "Backyard Politics"