Authored By :
Bill Kochman
Published On :
February 28, 2022
Last Updated :
February 28, 2022
Each New NATO Entry Has Been A Strong Provocation For Russia, NATO Made Its Moves When Russia Was Weak Following Soviet Era, I Question How Much Longer Russia Will Sit Idly By While NATO Steals Her Bear Cubs, Does Putin Want To Restore The Glory Of The Soviet Union?, 2016: Putin Remains Powerful And Popular, A New Cold War Between Russia And NATO Alliance, Russia Begins Reasserting Itself, Real Motive Behind The War In Yugoslavia, The Russian Bear Is Being Forced Into A Corner Due To NATO's Expansion, Russia And China Improving Relations, Russia And China's Vision For A Multi-Polar World, My Consistent Belief In Coming War Between Russia And NATO, Vladimir Putin Is Very Intelligent Shrewd Sly Calculating And Deceptive, Putin Has Been Extremely Patient With NATO, Putin Was Not The Initial Aggressor In Ukraine War, Beware Of Deceptive War Propaganda, I'm Not A Communist Sympathizer And Don't Support Russia Or Vladimir Putin, Closing Remarks, BBB Suggested Reading List
Continuing our discussion from part two, let us take a look at some more quotes from my 1998 article entitled "Communism: The Raging Bear Out of Control!". Not only do I continue to express my concern regarding NATO expansion towards Russia's borders, but I also consider the real possibility that war could eventually break out between Russia and the Western Bloc nations -- which includes the United States of America -- due to NATO's aggressive expansion towards the borders of Russia. Well, folks, here it is, 2022, and it has finally happened. God help us all!
----- Begin 1998 Quote -----
"As stated above, Russia is strongly opposed to military intervention [in Kosovo] by the United States and her NATO allies, and for good reason. This would be similar to Russia intervening militarily in Mexico in order to quell problems there. Would the government of the United States just idly stand by while this happened? Most certainly not! She would feel greatly threatened, and she would undoubtedly do something about it. Probably declare war! It is ludicrous then to expect Russia to remain quiet while the NATO forces plan air strikes on one of her neighbors not far from her western doorstep.
It is equally ridiculous to expect Russia to remain quiet while three of her other neighbors are integrated into the NATO alliance and the European Union, with others to follow after that. If you look on a map of Eastern Europe, you will quickly see that some of the five aforementioned countries are right up against Belarus and the Ukraine, while others are only separated from Russia by a country or two. That is how great this threat is to Russian security. In short, from the Russian perspective, these current moves by NATO and the European Union are very strong provocations, and I seriously doubt that they would have been made when Russia was a lot stronger.
But you see, Russia is in such internal turmoil right now, that as with the Palestinian issue, one can only wonder if she can really do more than offer verbal protest; and the NATO alliance knows this. But what if they are surprised? What if Mother Russia does something unexpected? What if the Communists come to full power even sooner than I personally expect? And even if they don't, what if some of the renegade Russian forces decide to use some of their nuclear stockpile to enter the fray in Eastern Europe? This is the present danger; that either the Communists, or someone else inside of Russia, might do something to either try to stop the NATO countries from performing air strikes in Kosovo, or to keep a strongly American-influenced NATO from grabbing three more of Russia's western neighbors, who are all overjoyed at the prospect of becoming members of the NATO alliance.
Even if Mother Russia does nothing to stop the integration of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic into the NATO alliance and the European Union -- which I personally would find hard to believe -- it is even more difficult for me to accept that she would continue to idly stand by while the other remaining nations of Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria and Slovakia are integrated into the Western sphere of influence. Look at a map. Just as Mexico lies right across the border from the United States Of America, this would place American power and influence right across the Russian border! Who would have ever dreamed of such a thing happening even ten years ago?
Continuing our discussion from part one, the Kosovo situation might only be the tip of the ice berg. It could explode into something much greater which could affect the plan for NATO and European Union expansion. It is a common practice that once a war or local conflict has begun, countries will take full advantage of the confusion, the communication blackouts, and the general mayhem which follows, in order to grab a little more than their share of the pie. If you ask me, it appears that a greater war is inevitable sooner or later; whether it is a result of the current Kosovo situation, or whether it is a result of Russia feeling so threatened, that she finally decides that she must do something in order to stop further Western expansionism.
No matter how you look at it, from the perspective of the American government -- which at that time meant the Clinton Administration -- having NATO forces entrenched in Kosovo, to protect human rights, of course, would be a very smart move for the West. Perhaps they are just talking about air strikes now, but it could very well evolve into ground troops in the near future. In other words, as NATO and the European Union continue to push eastward, a war with Russia becomes more likely; so being positioned in Kosovo would be a good move strategically-speaking.
Again, I just can't see the Russian bear sitting idly by for much longer, while all of her former cubs are stolen from her one by one. A bear just doesn't act that way. It becomes very upset, and very dangerous, and it is compelled to protect its young. I suspect that Russia will try to come to the aid of her bear cubs. However, whether this development will occur under Yeltsin's leadership, or under Communist leadership, or under whoever is in power once all of the current confusion and turmoil has passed and the political dust has settled, I really don't know.
I just don't think that the Western powers will be able to keep provoking the Russian bear forever. Now, in 2016, and eighteen years after I first wrote this article, we see that Russia has finally begun to push back, despite receiving a lot of heavy condemnation from the West. Quite frankly, I find such condemnation very hypocritical, in light of all the things that the United States, NATO and the European powers did in the first place to provoke Russia to retaliate. First was when Russia grabbed back Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. Now Russia is involved in helping Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad take back his country in a very bloody, long, drawn-out civil war, in which hundreds of thousands have already died or been negatively affected in some other way. Who knows what will come next.
Right now, Russia could use a "good" war to unite her people. The leadership in Moscow -- meaning Boris Yeltsin -- needs something to stop the growing tide of dissatisfaction which is a result of the unpopular politics being foisted upon the Russian people. For me personally, it is easy to see how the growing threat of Western expansionism into Eastern Europe could very well be the battle cry. Maybe Boris Yeltsin might be too weak to do such a thing, but the Communist hard-liners surely are not. In fact, they have already accused Yeltsin of being responsible for Russia's fall from greatness. They could just as easily accuse him of allowing Mother Russia to become isolated from the world because of his inability to take the necessary aggressive steps to stop NATO and European Union expansion to their very doorstep. But the question is, will they?
Regardless of how we choose to look at current developments in Eastern Europe, it seems that they could result in some very dire consequences at some point in the future, unless the United States and NATO back down from their aggression, which is highly unlikely. As I said earlier, they want to take advantage of Russia's current weakened state as much as they can.
In conclusion, allow me to state that I am by no means any kind of a Prophet. Likewise, I am not even a professional political analyst. I honestly do not know with one hundred per cent certainty what is going to happen in Russia; or as a result of the situation in Kosovo; or as a result of NATO and European Union expansionism. As I have done in my other articles regarding Russia, I have merely expressed my views concerning these matters, and the impressions I have of what may happen in the future. Whether or not I am right, or even close to being accurate, time will certainly tell."
----- End 1998 Quote -----
At the very end of that same 1998 article, I include a short 2016 update where I mention Vladimir Putin's political power, and his popularity with the Russian people. The reason why this particular quote is important, is because in the final sentence, I mention Putin's desire to restore Russia to its former "glory days" during the era of the Soviet Union. As you may recall from part two of this series, this is exactly what President Biden is now accusing Putin of attempting to do, with his invasion of Ukraine. Consider the following:
----- Begin 2016 Quote -----
"While a full-blown Communist revolution hasn't occurred in the Russian Federation since I first authored this article in 1998, and while Gannady Zyuganov has never been able to become the actual president of Russia via a real democratic election -- if such an untainted election can really even happen in Russia -- as I point out in a few other articles in which I discuss the situation inside of Russia, I still believe that the authoritarian, tight-fisted government that is currently run by President Vladimir Putin amounts to pretty much the same thing. Mr. Putin is very powerful; and even though he has been in power for sixteen years now, he still remains extremely popular, due in part to the fact that he has been restoring the glory of Russia of old, as it was under its former Communist bosses."
----- End 2016 Quote -----
On December 31, 2016, I added an update to my 1998 article "Alexander Lebed and the Year 2000 Russian Presidential Race". In that update, I again mention how the expansion of NATO into Eastern Bloc nations was provoking Russia, and that it could eventually lead to serious consequences, as you can see by the following quoted material:
----- Begin 2016 Quote -----
"In fact, today, more than eighteen years after I wrote the original version of this current article [meaning "Alexander Lebed and the Year 2000 Russian Presidential Race"], many Americans are aware of the fact that a new Cold War has already basically begun. While some of my fellow Christians and Americans may not agree with my position, I am firmly convinced that it is in large part because of aggressive behavior by the United States and NATO that this new Cold War has been initiated. I have mentioned before that it is partly due to the fact that both entities took advantage of the situation while Russia was down and out economically, and maybe militarily too, by encroaching on the Russian Federation's westernmost borders, that this new Russian aggression has developed.
In my view, it was very foolish for these powers to provoke the Russian bear by expanding NATO, by placing new missile batteries in both Poland and Romania, not to mention what is also occurring in the Baltic States with ramped-up defense spending, and by doing other things which they have done in recent years. It is only natural that the Russians would feel threatened, and thus have taken certain steps to re-establish their dominance in the region; such as taking back Crimea in 2014 from Ukraine, and becoming directly engaged in the war in Syria."
----- End 2016 Quote -----
In my 1999 article entitled "Battle of Gog and Magog and the War in Yugoslavia!", I again expose the real reason why the United States of America was meddling in European affairs, when it mercilessly bombarded Yugoslavia with almost 1,000 warplanes for a period of seventy-eight days. The truth is not what the puppet masters led many people to believe. Consider this quote from that article:
----- Begin 1999 Quote -----
"This brings us to a very interesting point. While these two wars may at first seem to be totally unrelated, this is certainly not the case. As I have stated to some of my Christian friends before, I believe that if we clear away the smokescreen of helping the Muslim Kosovar Albanians, just as we helped the Muslims in Bosnia, and the Muslim Kurds in Iraq, we can begin to see that the current war in Yugoslavia is really a full-scale effort by the Clinton Administration to expand America's, and thus NATO's, sphere of influence, by pushing back and isolating Russia even further. Isn't this precisely why NATO was formed fifty years ago; that is, to offer an umbrella of protection to the European states from the expanding Communist giant? By brutally grabbing Yugoslavia through the current war, the United States of America hopes to acquire yet another beachhead, another staging area, another protectorate nation, another puppet nation, close to the Russian border.
As I have mentioned to some of my readers in private email, imagine if you live in the city of Chicago, and the Russians are dropping cruise missiles in Washington, D.C.. That gives you a rough idea of how close American warplanes are to the Russian border, meaning of course, to Ukraine. The only thing which separates Belgrade from Ukraine, is the country of Romania; and this is one of the reasons why the Russian government is currently very nervous, very upset, and has been issuing some strong, but still reserved, warnings to the United States and to NATO. Another reason for their anger is their ethnic ties to the Yugoslavian people. You see, the people of Russia, Belarus and Yugoslavia are all of Slavic origin. In fact, I was just reading the other day how, as a result of this war, the government of Yugoslavia has just decided to accept Russia's invitation to join a loose Slavic commonwealth with Russia and Belarus."
----- End 1999 Quote -----
Turning to a third of my articles which was first written and published in 1999 entitled "Fulfilled Prophecy: The Beginning of Sorrows", we discover that towards the end of part one, I once again clearly express my concern regarding the U.S.A.'s and NATO's expansion into the countries of eastern Europe. Not only do I warn how the Russian bear is being forced into a corner and will eventually fight back, but I also mention how the West's aggressive tactics are forcing the Russians and the Chinese to warm up to each other. Last of all, in the closing paragraph of this same part of the series, I likewise warn how NATO's policy of expansionism may one day result in "outright military conflict with the United States of America, and other NATO nations". Consider these quotes:
----- Begin 1999 Quote -----
"Despite the current, and undoubtedly temporary, calm between India and Pakistan, the move by the American administration to align itself with India is not being welcomed by Russia or by China; both of which had already become alarmed due to the recent, merciless seventy-eight day aerial bombardment of the sovereign nation of Yugoslavia by American-led NATO forces; a bombardment which really has resolved absolutely nothing. The Russian bear is being forced more and more into the corner as American and NATO expansion continues to move ever eastward towards the Russian borders; but it will only be permitted to move so far before the Russians decide that enough is enough. May I suggest that you read "Communism: Is The Dead Beast Really Dead?" and "Communism: The Raging Bear Out Of Control" for a more in-depth look at this situation.
As a result of American and NATO expansionist policies, and the current trend to augment the number of nations included in the economic bloc of the European Union, as is witnessed by Turkey's current consideration for the powerful group, as of late, Russia and China have been warming up to each other; and have been emphasizing the idea of a multi-polar world; and not one which is dominated only by the United States of America."
In light of the Belgrade bombardment, it also seems quite possible that, with some work, Ukraine may also rejoin this union sometime in the future. This would effectively block the United States as well as NATO from expanding any further eastward. While the Russians are greatly concerned about the recent NATO incursion into Yugoslavia, EU expansion, and the American double-cross on Pakistan, due to their own political and economic problems, at this current time, besides forging closer ties with China, Belarus, Ukraine, and other of her neighbors, there doesn't appear to be much more that Russia can do concerning the situation, short of outright military conflict with the United States of America, and other NATO nations; and that doesn't appear to be possible for the time being, although Mr. Yeltsin would have the West to believe otherwise.
----- End 1999 Quote -----
Moving on in our discussion, in part two of my 2006 series entitled "Lying Wonders of the Endtime!" I very briefly mention the fact that due to NATO's expansion into former Eastern Bloc countries, Russia and China have been warming up to each other. That process has continued to this very day. In fact, while other nations have outright condemned Russia for its sudden invasion of Ukraine, China has not only refrained from doing so, but has expressed its belief that Russia has legitimate security concerns, thus seemingly suggesting that Putin's actions are justified. Consider this short quote from the aforementioned article:
----- Begin 2006 Quote -----
". . . due to NATO's expansion into former East Bloc countries, and the U.S.-led bombing of Yugoslavia, Russia and China have been warming up to each other in a diplomatic sense."
------ End 2006 Quote -----
Towards the very end of part two of my 2001 article entitled "Slobodan Milosevic: A United Nations Experiment?", where I discuss the breakup of Yugoslavia, I again mention the West's true motivation for imprisoning Slobodan Milosevic, and how that by splitting up Yugoslavia into smaller entities, it was just another step in the West's goal to expand their sphere of influence into formerly Russian-influenced territory. As you can see, I again warn that Russia is not going to be happy with this development, and the bear may one day growl back, as has now occurred. Consider this short quote:
----- Begin 2001 Quote -----
"Is this what is going to happen? Time will certainly tell; but if it does, it will make it all the easier for the USA, and NATO, to add the smaller pieces to their ideological, military, political, and economic sphere of influence; and you can bet that Russia will not be too happy about it! The Russian bear may growl one of these days yet!"
----- End 2001 Quote -----
I imagine that by now, some of you may possibly be tired of reading all of these quotes. I know that they sound a bit repetitive. However, by sharing all of the previous quotes with you from some of my older articles, which are in fact twenty-four years old, it is my hope that you have come to fully realize a number of things:
1. Since 1998, I have been quite consistent in my personal belief that sooner or later, there was going to be a serious clash between the Russian Federation and the United States and its NATO allies, as a result of NATO's slow but constant push towards Russia's borders. It was inevitable. Clearly, the handwriting on the wall has been there all along for anyone who has been willing to see it.
2. Contrary to the distorted, negative picture of Vladimir Putin which has been purposely promoted by the United States and its European allies in recent days, Putin is NOT just an unhinged, wild, crazy, demented leader who has lost his last ounce of sanity, and who has thus suddenly decided to invade Ukraine. Neither was he crazy when he grabbed Crimea in 2014. Putin is very intelligent, shrewd, very sly, calculating and deceptive. He knows exactly what he is doing. I am reminded of how Jesus described King Herod in the Gospel of Luke. Consider these verses:
"The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying unto him, Get thee out, and depart hence: for Herod will kill thee. And he said unto them, Go ye, and TELL THAT FOX, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected."
Luke 13:31-32, KJV
3. Based on the actual events which have transpired over the past three decades, and particularly since Putin first rose to power in the year 2,000, I would have to conclude that if anything, Mr. Putin has been rather patient. Not only has he been patient, but he has clearly registered his complaints with NATO, and with the United Nations as well, only to have his complaints totally ignored.
4. Also contrary to the narrative which is currently being promoted by the West, while Putin is definitely acting in an aggressive manner now, as I have already made abundantly clear, he is most certainly not the initial aggressor with regards to this situation. The real aggressors are his very accusers who forced the Russian bear into a corner, so that he would be forced to finally react. As the title of this series states, "If you poke a bear long enough ..." So what else could have been expected of Putin at this juncture in this long con geopolitical game?
5. Remember what Jesus said in the Gospels regarding wars and rumors of wars. There is already a lot of propaganda coming from many different directions. As I explained in part one of this series, you are going to be bombarded with all kinds of lies, false accusations, half-truths, and other misinformation by government propaganda agents, whose goal is to try to confuse you regarding the facts. Ask God for His Wisdom and Spiritual Discernment. Don't be so quick to drink the government-issued Kool-Aid.
6. I am not a Communist sympathizer. I do not in any way support the Russian Federation, or its leader, Vladimir Putin. As I said earlier, I support no national government or leader in this present world. My loyalty is only to the Kingdom of God. My goal with this series is simply to tell you what I personally perceive as being the truth, based on some three decades of observation. You can accept what I have to say, or reject it. It is your choice.
With these thoughts, I will bring this article to a close. It is my hope that you've found it informative and enlightening, and I pray that it has been a blessing in your life as well. If you have an account with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or with any other social network, I would really appreciate if you'd take the time to click or tap on the corresponding link that is found on this page. Thanks so much, and may God bless you abundantly!
For additional information and further study, you may want to refer to the list of reading resources below which were either mentioned in this article, or which contain topics which are related to this article. All of these articles are likewise located on the Bill's Bible Basics web server. To read these articles, simply click or tap on any link you see below.
Alexander Lebed and the Year 2,000 Russian Presidential Race
America: Land of the Free . . . and Hypocrisy!
Communism: Is the Dead Beast Really Dead?
Communism: The Raging Bear out of Control!
Killing and the Phinehas Priesthood
Killing, Murder and Military Duty
Obama, McCain and the Bush Legacy
One From Beyond: Hebrew of Hebrews
Owning Guns: What Saith the Scriptures?
Pilgrims and Strangers: Are You an Alien?
Revealer of Secrets and Sergei Stepashin
Saddam Hussein's Execution and the Euro Dollar War
To Vote, or Not to Vote
Who is the Real Terrorist?