Samuel Armas
Touches the World!

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Last Updated By Bill's Bible Basics :
February 16, 2017

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The tiny hand of 21-week-old Samuel Armas reaches out from his mother's womb to clasp the surgeon's finger. Samuel was about to undergo a spine operation designed to save him from serious brain damage. The surgery was carried out entirely through the tiny slit visible in the wall of the womb, and Samuel is believed to be the youngest fetus to undergo such an operation. At this age, tiny Samuel could still have been legally aborted, but thank God that this did not happen, and he was born on December 2, 1999. The above image was taken by photo-journalist, Michael Clancy, during an operation in America.

A 12/9/99 Message From Samuel's Parents :

Dear Friends and Family,

Samuel arrived on Thursday, Dec. 2 at 6:25 pm at Northside Hospital weighing 5 lbs 11 oz and 20 1/2 " long. He was born at 36 weeks but came into the world screaming his head off! He did not have to spend any time in a neonatal unit and came home with us on Monday, Dec. 6.  After viewing an ultrasound of his brain, Samuel's neurosurgeon was very optimistic as he does not have any hydrocephalus and the brain  malformation has resolved. He is moving his legs very well from the hips and some from the knees. He was frank breech (folded in half) in the womb and the orthopedist feels that he has a good chance for walking. He will begin physical therapy next week in order to work out some of the stiffness in his legs that was a result of his being folded in half in the womb. He is also nursing very well.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. We are happier than we ever dreamed possible!

All our love,

Julie, Alex and Samuel Armas

More Of The Armas Story From 'federalist.com' website :

After years of trying to have children, Julie and Alex Armas, were finally pregnant with little Samuel. But in July [editor - of 1999], received the devastating news that he had a spinal condition that would probably leave their child with severe handicaps from birth. Julie searched the Internet for help and found a website giving details of pioneering surgery being carried out by a team of specialists at Vanderbilt University in Nashville.

Though considered high risk, the surgery was successful and little Samuel arrived December second, about a month before he was expected! He weighed 5 lbs., 11 ounces, and was 20.5 inches long, and was so healthy that he went go home with his parents a few days later. Samuel does have some weakness and motor sensation problems below his knees, and has begun physical therapy. His physician is optimistic that he will, in time, be able to walk.

=> => => More On Samuel Armas Story . . .

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